
Jibankrishna or Diamond in Dreams - Chapter 3.1

The gradual transformation of Jibankrishna’s body into God and its effect in relation to Upanishad

The process of transformations of the five sheaths from one into another takes place. From the human body the life-power separates, comes up, accumulates and transforms into mental plane with pure faculty of seeing god’s light in him as well as in the outer world. This transformation goes on till it turns into Bliss. It is emanation and manifestation of God with attributes in the body.

There are seven planes which are the seats of these five sheaths and each plane has got its separate manifestation and realization of God in the body. It cannot be seen by vivisection. It can be visualized in ‘Bhagavati Tanu’ (causal body), the human form which grows within the body, and it is made of god’s light. Pranamaya Kosha (Sheath) has got three planes – (a) organ of generation; (b) orgn of evacuation; (c) At the naval. In case of Pranamaya Kosha Sri Ramkrishna saya, ‘When water oozes out from the ‘Alek lata’, an invisible creeper, and gets into the abdomen, then a tree grows’. He said in such a manner that nobody understands. Can you say why he has not mentioned about the planes and what does he mean by the tree?

What I have written about this meaning is such – ‘God without any form (Nirguna Brahma – the Absolute) lying in and through the body, has entwined it like an invisible creeper. He, out of sheer mercy, releases Himself from the body and percolates in the right side of the abdomen. It is seen. It looks like light bluish gargling water mingled with peaceful sparkling moonbeams. And I saw it within my body.

Then comes Manomaya Kosha (Sheath comprising of the fourth plane – heart.

About the experience in this plane Sri Ramkrishna said that goddess Kali showed him that every article, including the door, door-steps, ceilings etc had been saturated with God’s light. But why no other people saw it? There were about a hundred maids in the temple and the villagers also used to come to the temple, but none saw it. Were all of them blind?

On a higher sphere we shall get its real meaning – Through my own consciousness I shall see the world in divine consciousness. I have written my experience thus: This is the first plane where god’s light is manifested and seen. On whatever side you may turn your eyes, you will find God’s light pervading everything coming within you ken. For instance, you turn your eyes and gaze at the branch of a tree and your eyes will meet the light like molten silver or mercury pervading the branch. Then comes Vijnanamaya Kosha (Sheath comprising the fifth plane, the sixth plane and portion of the seventh plane).

More By  :  Dr. Dipak Pramanik

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