
Ayurveda-literally "Science of Life"-is based on the twin principles of wholeness and balance. As a holistic healing tradition, Ayurveda recommends treating the "whole" person-body, mind, senses, emotions and spirit-instead of following the "one-cause-one-cure" principle and focusing on the symptoms of the moment. The premise is that if the roots are nourished and watered, the plant will flourish. Diet, sleep, lifestyle, daily and seasonal routines and internal cleansing are just as, or more, important than herbs and potions in order to maintain good health. And Ayurveda is equally about maintaining or preserving good health as it is about treating disorders - "Swaasthasya Rakshanam" is one of the goals of Ayurveda. 

Disclaimer:  Information provided in these article is for the sole purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

Date Title Writer
06-Aug-2016 A Clinical Evaluation of Jalaukavacharan Elbow Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
05-Aug-2001 A Good Night's Sleep Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
04-Mar-2014 Abhava Pratinidhi Dravyas Dr. Swapnali Tulsankar
09-Apr-2014 Abhyanga - Holistic Approach in Ayurveda Dr. Bhushan Mhaiskar
18-Dec-2021 Achara Rasayanas Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
16-Jan-2021 Acharya Charak (600 BCE) Dr. Frank S. K. Barar
23-Aug-2010 Acne Free Skin through Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
12-Mar-2014 Action of Vaitaran Basti on Amavata Dr. Mayur Kumar Patel
18-Jun-2016 Acu-Yoga: An Ancient Science Dr. Dnyaneshwar Jadhav
24-Jan-2010 Adverse Drug Reaction of Ayurveda Medicines Dr. Joban Modha
07-Mar-2014 Ahara Vidhi Dr. Bhushan Sanghavi
01-Mar-2015 Ahara Vidhi Vidhana. Dr. Suhas Kolekar
19-Aug-2013 Allergies and Ayurveda Dr. Rakhi Pugaliya
16-Aug-2013 Allergies: An Ayurvedic Approach Dr. Prashant Nandwate
24-Feb-2008 Allergy and Ayurveda Dr. Joban Modha
20-Jul-2011 Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) Rasayana Dr. Savitha Suri
16-Aug-2013 Amalaki: Rasayana Dr. Sarika Rathod
23-Aug-2015 Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
07-Mar-2015 Amenorrhoea Dr. Nanda Shinde
02-Dec-2007 An Ayurvedic Guide for Beautiful Skin Dr. Savitha Suri
07-Nov-2004 An Introduction to Neem Rasayana Shreelata Suresh
01-Mar-2015 Analysis of Prakriti with Special Reference To Netra Dr. Sangeeta Pandey
05-Jul-2015 Anatomical View of Medicinal Leeches Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
23-Aug-2015 Ankle Sprain Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
07-Sep-2008 Anti-Cancer Herbs Dr. Bhavana Joshi
17-May-2015 Anti-oxidants: Rasayana Dravya in ayurveda Dr. Pooja Jadhav
14-Feb-2015 Anupan Dr. Suhas Kolekar
07-Sep-2008 Are All Ayurveda Drugs 100 % Safe As Claimed? Dr. Joban Modha
18-Nov-2001 Aromatherapy for Personal Balance in Every Season! Vasu Nargundkar
04-Mar-2015 Artificial Insemination and its Medicolegal Aspects Dr. Amol Sabale
06-Mar-2012 Ashwagandha- the Indian Ginseng Dr. Krishna R.S
04-Sep-2013 Ayuredic Tips to Reduce Cholesterol Dr. Savitha Suri
07-Oct-2001 Ayurveda and Day-to-day Stress Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
18-Apr-2004 Ayurveda Can Help You Look Beautiful This Spring! Shreelata Suresh
14-Jan-2011 Ayurveda Description of Kumkuma: Saffron - Crocus Sativus Dr. Savitha Suri
10-Apr-2013 Ayurveda health benefits of Manduka Parni (Centella Asiatica)-gotu kola Dr. Savitha Suri
06-Jul-2013 Ayurveda Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction Dr. Savitha Suri
22-Aug-2012 Ayurveda Home Remedies for Dry Flaky Scalp Dr. Savitha Suri
10-Jun-2010 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Amla or Indian Gooseberry Dr. Savitha Suri
26-Feb-2012 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Banana Dr. Savitha Suri
11-Jun-2012 Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram - Vigna mungo-urad dal Dr. Savitha Suri
26-Jul-2010 Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Curd Dr. Savitha Suri
02-Nov-2011 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Grapes (Vitis Vinifera) Dr. Savitha Suri
08-Jun-2011 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Guduchi Dr. Savitha Suri
11-Jun-2011 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Jackfruit Dr. Savitha Suri
15-Apr-2012 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Kapikacchu - Mucuna Pruriens Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Aug-2011 Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Ksheerabala Oil Dr. Savitha Suri
31-Aug-2010 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Phalandu (Onion) Dr. Savitha Suri
22-Jul-2012 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Sesame Dr. Savitha Suri
23-Dec-2010 Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum ) Dr. Savitha Suri
11-Dec-2005 Ayurveda Regimen for Winter Depression Dr. Savitha Suri
08-Jan-2013 Ayurveda Weight Gain Therapy Dr. Savitha Suri
31-Aug-2013 Ayurveda – The Basic Science of Life Dr. Vijay Potkule
24-Jul-2001 Ayurveda: No Longer Just Vaidji Ki Pudiya Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
14-Mar-2014 Ayurvedic Anatomy of Eye Dr. Kiran Patil
13-Apr-2014 Ayurvedic Approach and Management of Insomnia Dr. Bhushan Mhaiskar
30-May-2012 Ayurvedic Approach for Beauty Care - Three Pillars of Beauty Dr. Vipul Sharma
27-Feb-2016 Ayurvedic Approach to Female Infertility Dr. Shamal Pote
08-Apr-2007 Ayurvedic Approach to Indigestion and Concept of Agni Dr. Savitha Suri
09-Aug-2015 Ayurvedic Approach to Modern Lifestyle & Stress Dr. Shilpa Yadav
12-Mar-2014 Ayurvedic Aspects of Chikungunya Dr. Mayur Kumar Patel
21-Mar-2014 Ayurvedic concept of Mukha Dr. Kiran Patil
31-Oct-2020 Ayurvedic Concept of Nidra Dr. Rachana Tiwari
07-Sep-2014 Ayurvedic Concept of Rasayana Dr. Vikas Lad
07-Sep-2019 Ayurvedic Drugs Useful in Sandhi Vata (Osteoarthritis) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
25-Aug-2007 Ayurvedic Health Care in Humid Weather Dr. Savitha Suri
10-Mar-2016 Ayurvedic Management in Hydronephrosis Dr. Manoj Gedam
17-Oct-2013 Ayurvedic Management of Bronchial Asthama (Tamakshwas) Dr. Dharmendra Chavan
10-Oct-2015 Ayurvedic Management of Insomnia Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
12-Oct-2019 Ayurvedic Management of Lupus Dr. Rachana Tiwari
03-Feb-2013 Ayurvedic Medicinal Properties of Jaggery Dr. Savitha Suri
06-Apr-2015 Ayurvedic Pathogenesis of Heart Diseases Dr. Vishwanath Kakde
10-Apr-2005 Ayurvedic Remedies for Digestive Disorders Dr. Savitha Suri
12-Aug-2007 Ayurvedic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction Dr. Savitha Suri
24-Jan-2016 Ayurvedic Review of Quality Control and Quality Assurance Dr. Nitin Buwa
12-Mar-2014 Ayurvedic review of Suturing (Seevan Karma) Prof. Dr. Laxmi Narhare
02-Jan-2005 Ayurvedic Skin Care Rasayanas Shreelata Suresh
10-Feb-2008 Ayurvedic Skin Care: Eating Your Way to Clear Beautiful Skin Shreelata Suresh
21-Jan-2018 Ayurvedic Suggestions for Low Vit B12 & D Dr. Jayesh Thakkar
15-Aug-2004 Ayurvedic Tips for Summer Skin Care Shreelata Suresh
25-Dec-2021 Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS: About and Effectiveness Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
16-Jan-2005 Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis (Painful Joints) Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan
29-Aug-2014 Ayurvedic Treatment of Constipation Dr. Bhushan Mhaiskar
06-Jun-2020 Ayurvedic Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
18-Jul-2004 Ayurvedic Treatment of Fibromyalgia (CFS) Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan
16-Feb-2014 Ayurvedic view of Etiological Factor (Hetu) Dr. Shital Nathgosavi
27-Feb-2002 Balance and the Doshas Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
17-Apr-2005 Balancing Vata Dosha Shreelata Suresh
05-Oct-2008 Baldness (Alopecia) and Alopacia Areata and its Ayurvedic Management Dr. Gaurang Joshi
04-Mar-2014 Basics of Panchkarma Dr. Anuj Rohilla
12-Aug-2014 Basti Karma (The Enema Therapies) Dr. Kavita Mule
27-Jan-2007 Beaming Health with Neem Dr. Savitha Suri
04-Apr-2010 Beauty Secrets of Ayurveda Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar
25-Apr-2012 Benefits of Ayurveda Herbal Face Packs Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Jun-2013 Benefits of Body Massage in Elderly Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Jan-2011 Benefits of Fasting – An Ayurveda View Dr. Savitha Suri
03-Aug-2012 Benefits of Massaging Scalp with Ayurveda Herbal Oils Dr. Savitha Suri
04-Mar-2014 Bhautikagni Dr. Jayshri Damke
04-Mar-2014 Bhavana Samskar Dr. Kirti Tripathi
02-May-2015 Bhavprakashokta Dhanyavarga Dr. Rekha Gaikwad
02-Sep-2001 Bliss at your Fingertips ... The Daily Oil Massage Vasu Nargundkar
26-Aug-2001 Boost Your Energy with Power Foods Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
27-Jul-2010 Butter milk –A Healthy Drink described in Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
20-Feb-2005 Candida: Restoring Balance with Ayurveda Shreelata Suresh
14-May-2006 Care for the Glittering Pair Dr. Savitha Suri
15-Jul-2007 Causes of Low Sperm Count: An Ayurvedic View Dr. Savitha Suri
31-Aug-2008 Chronic Bronchial Asthma (Svasa Roga) and its Management in Ayurveda Dr. Gaurang Joshi
28-Mar-2010 Chronic Renal Failure Dr. Ram Niwas Prasher, MD (Ayurveda)
28-Aug-2013 Clinical Case of Sandhigatavata Vyadhi Dr. Gangadhar Dhandge
30-Aug-2013 Clinical case presentation of Raktpitta Vyadhi Dr. Gangadhar Dhandge
23-Dec-2007 Commending Cumin Seeds Dr. Savitha Suri
09-Nov-2014 Concept of Abhava – Pratinidhi Dravyas Dr. Sayali Tupe
29-Dec-2019 Concept of Ama in Ayurvedic Samhita Dr. Rachana Tiwari
21-Aug-2016 Concept of Avrana and its Treatment in Ayurveda Dr. Ramakant Dwivedi
10-Mar-2014 Concept of Hridroga: Ayurveda in Correlation with Modern Sciences Dr. Vijaykumar Puri
21-Aug-2016 Concept of Palitya in Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
16-Aug-2015 Concept of Shat Kriya Kala Dr. Shilpa Yadav
24-Mar-2019 Concept of Tamas Dravya in Context of Origin of Universe Dr. Bhushan Mhaiskar
05-Mar-2014 Concept of Viruddha Aahar Dr. Jasmine Shaikh
31-Mar-2014 Concept of Viruddhaahar in Present Era Dr. Vilas Sarvade
22-May-2014 Conceptual Study of Prameha (Diabetes) Dr. Amod Kumar
06-Mar-2013 Contribution of Bhavprakash Nighantu to Netra Chikitsa Dr. Sushant Maksane
11-Sep-2005 Cooking with the Mung Bean: The Ayurvedic Way Shreelata Suresh
14-Oct-2010 Count on Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Dr. Savitha Suri
28-Feb-2010 Creating Paradise Within: Better Health through Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar
24-Oct-2014 Cumulative Toxicity of Lead (plumbum) Saturism Dr. Sujit Koshire
05-Mar-2014 Daruharidradi Kashay in the Managment of Chyluria Dr. Bhushan Sanghavi
07-Mar-2014 Dashamooladi Basti: Pharmaceutical Analysis Dr. Bhushan Sanghavi
23-Aug-2011 Dealing with Sleep Disturbances Dr. Savitha Suri
07-Oct-2017 Dear IBS ... Let's Break Up Dr. Swapnil Dharmadhikari
03-Sep-2010 Diabetes and its Management Prof. Dr. Shailendra Naithani
15-Jan-2013 Diabetes Diet Facts and Ayurveda View Dr. Savitha Suri
02-May-2015 Diabetes Management in Modern and Ayurveda. Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
05-Mar-2014 Dietetics: Ancient and Modern Aspect Dr. Komal Gawali
28-Mar-2010 Discover Ayurveda Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar
19-Jul-2014 Doctored Ayurveda of a Fake Expert Gopal Joshi
21-Oct-2001 Don't Skip Breakfast! An Ayurvedic Perspective Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
26-Feb-2014 E.S.R.D and its Management in Ayurveda Dr. Parag Bari
22-Feb-2004 Eating for Balance Shreelata Suresh
14-Mar-2004 Eating for Balance -2 Shreelata Suresh
29-Jun-2001 Eating Right The Ayurvedic Way: Five Tips for Good Digestion Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
14-Jan-2014 Effect of Bilvapatra (Aegle Marmelous) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Dr. Prashant Budhwat
10-Mar-2014 Effect of Raktamokshana in Dantpupputaka Vyadhi Dr. Kiran Patil
22-Nov-2010 Effect of Stress On Our Body and Tips to Reduce Stress Dr. Savitha Suri
03-Jan-2013 Effects of Suppressing Natural Urges Dr. Savitha Suri
03-Feb-2014 Efficacy of Shadbindu Tail as a Pratimarshanasya in Allergic Rhinitis Dr. Vijay Karbhal
07-Mar-2014 Eitiology of Arsha vyadhi Dr. Shreyansh Pachore
06-Oct-2002 Exercise, The Ayurvedic Way! Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
27-Feb-2021 Eye Care with Ayurveda Dr. Rachana Tiwari
22-Jul-2001 Feed Your Skin...And Water it Too! Vasu Nargundkar
23-Mar-2019 Fibroadenoma Breast Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
23-Feb-2012 Fight Erectile Dysfunction with Lifestyle Changes Dr. Krishna R.S
05-Jun-2004 Five Ayurvedic Suggestions for Attaining Your Ideal Weight Naturally Shreelata Suresh
26-Dec-2004 Five Ways to Introduce Ayurvedic Principles into Your Daily Diet Shreelata Suresh
10-Jun-2013 Folk Uses of Selected Indian Medicinal Plants Dr. Balaji Sawant
23-Feb-2019 Formation of Sciatic Nerve Dr. Rachana Tiwari
04-Sep-2010 Gaining Health from Garlic Dr. Krishna R.S
26-Aug-2017 Gandhaka Rasayana Dr. Tejaswini Nade
29-Aug-2014 General Approach to Acne in Ayurveda Dr. Bhushan Mhaiskar
04-Mar-2014 Gloriosa Superba Dr. Swapnali Tulsankar
02-Jun-2011 Gout - An Ayurveda View Dr. Savitha Suri
22-Aug-2013 Gout and its Ayurvedic Management Dr. Minakshi Malge
03-Apr-2014 Gudapaka as a Complication of Atisaara Dr. Vilas Sarvade
17-Aug-2014 Guidelines for Evaluation of Ebola Virus Disease Prof. Dr. Chandrashekhar Mule
09-Dec-2018 Gulpha Marma (Ankle Joint) According to Ayurveda And Modern Anatomy Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
22-Feb-2015 Guna Dr. Suhas Kolekar
19-Sep-2004 Hair and Scalp Massage Shreelata Suresh
20-Aug-2006 Hair Loss Prevention through Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Oct-2012 Hair Problems - To Care Dr. Jayesh Thakkar
13-Aug-2014 Halitosis (Bad Breath) Dr. Kiran Patil
14-May-2002 Healing Waters Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
22-Nov-2011 Health Benefits of Butter: An Ayurveda Perception Dr. Savitha Suri
29-Jan-2022 Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera (Sonjana) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
13-Nov-2005 Healthcare for Globe Trotters Dr. Savitha Suri
20-Feb-2014 Heavy Metal Content in Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine Dr. Pankaj Bhange
20-Aug-2006 Heavy Metals in Ayurveda Dr. Dheeraj Malhotra
23-Nov-2013 Herbal Way to Keep Indigestion at Bay Dr. Savitha Suri
29-Jul-2010 Herpes Symptoms - An Ayurvedic View Dr. Savitha Suri
21-Mar-2015 Hima Formulation Dr. Pratibha Yadav
19-Mar-2012 Home remedies with Banana Plant Parts Dr. Savitha Suri
30-Oct-2012 How Strong are You ? Dr. Savitha Suri
17-Jun-2017 How to Improve Appetite by Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
19-Dec-2020 Hyperlipidemia Dr. Rachana Tiwari
10-Mar-2014 Hypertension in Ayurveda Dr. Toufik Sutar
30-Apr-2006 Hysteric about Headache? Dr. Savitha Suri
16-May-2020 Immunity Boosting Measures w.s.r to Covid-19 Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
20-May-2018 Importance of Dhatu Sarata Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
26-Oct-2019 Importance of Glycemic Index of Different Food and Values Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
17-May-2012 Importance of Good Digestion & Metabolism to Stay Healthy Dr. Vipul Sharma
02-Mar-2014 Importance of Jalauka in Urdhwajatrugara Yyadhis Dr. Anand Kale
05-Jun-2014 Importance of Ritucharya Dr. Abhijeet Patil
01-May-2011 Importance of Vajikarana Therapy in Ayurveda Dr. Krishna R.S
27-Nov-2005 Inducting Rasayana Therapy in Our Daily Routine Dr. Krishna R.S
26-Aug-2013 Infertility: A Contemporary & Ayurevedic View Dr. Rupali Wadibhasme
28-Jan-2014 Insomnia or Nidranash - Ayurvedic view Dr. Santosh Patil
28-Sep-2019 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
30-Jan-2016 Kadara (Corn): Introduction & Management Dr. Manoj Gedam
28-Feb-2014 Kamala and Daruharidra Dr. Vijay Karbhal
25-Dec-2005 Keep Back Pain at Bay Dr. Savitha Suri
21-Nov-2012 Keep Diseases At Bay During Winter Dr. Savitha Suri
26-Jun-2005 Keeping Well When Monsoon Dwells Dr. Savitha Suri
28-Jan-2014 King of Medicine - Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) Dr. Santosh Patil
03-Mar-2011 Kumkumadi Lepam: An Ayurveda Beauty Preparation Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Mar-2014 Leech Application in Perianal Haematoma Dr. Vaibhav Mahadev Mache
07-Sep-2008 Leucoderma (White Patches, Vitiligo) and its Management in Ayurveda Dr. Gaurang Joshi
01-Jul-2018 Literary Review of Copper Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
01-Aug-2015 Literary Review of Ojas an important life factor Dr. Sameer Khadilkar
06-Mar-2012 Low libido or Low sex drive in Men Dr. Krishna R.S
22-Nov-2010 Low Sperm Count Causes Dr. Krishna R.S
07-Sep-2019 Lung Cancer Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
07-Jan-2013 Male Infertility and Ways to Test It Dr. Krishna R.S
07-Nov-2014 Management of Lumber Spondylosis Dr. Chetan Pawar
22-Feb-2015 Management of Ashmari-Literary Review Dr. Ashwini Utpat
28-Aug-2013 Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Ayurveda Dr. Vishal Nandurkar
21-Feb-2015 Management of Chronic Inflammatory Demylinating Polyneuropathy Dr. Meghana Jadhav
01-Mar-2014 Management of Hyper-acidity in Ayurveda. Dr. Anil Petkar
21-Jun-2008 Management of Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu)
21-Jun-2008 Management of Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda 2 Dr. Lakshmi Prasuna, MD (Ayu)
27-Feb-2016 Management of Lieomyoma Dr. Shamal Pote
29-Aug-2014 Management of Phakka Roga in Ayurveda Dr. Sandip Daberao
21-Jun-2008 Managing Mental Stress Overload with Ayurveda Shreelata Suresh
19-May-2007 Manifold Wonders of Massage Therapy Dr. Savitha Suri
10-Mar-2014 Manuscriptology Dr. Toufik Sutar
23-Apr-2017 Marma and Acupressure Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
01-Aug-2015 Marma in Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
28-Aug-2013 Medicinal Plant Daruharidra and its Uses Dr. Manoj Jain
20-Nov-2014 Medicinal Plant Kantakari Dr. Suhas Kolekar
28-Aug-2013 Medicinal Plant Musta and its Uses Dr. Charushila Rajput
07-Mar-2015 Medicinal Plant Patol Dr. Suhas Kolekar
08-Feb-2015 Medicinal Plant Shigru (Moringa Oleifera Lam) Dr. Suhas Kolekar
03-Mar-2014 Medicinal Plant Vacha and its Uses Dr. Shital More
08-Oct-2010 Medicinal Properties of Black Musli Dr. Savitha Suri
04-Sep-2010 Medicinal properties of FoxNut (Euryale ferox ) or “Makhana” Dr. Savitha Suri
08-May-2011 Medicinal Properties of Turmeric Dr. Savitha Suri
16-Nov-2019 Melasma Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
19-Apr-2003 Menopause and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy Nancy Lonsdorf
02-May-2015 Modern & Ayurvedic Concept of Khalitya (Alopecia) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
24-Feb-2018 Modern and Ayurvedic Concept of Skin (Tvaca) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
06-Mar-2014 Mukta and Mukta Bhasma Dr. Bhagyashri Suryawanshi
21-Jan-2018 Muscular Dystrohy and its Ayurvedic Management Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
23-Aug-2013 Myopia and Ayurvedic Treatment Dr. Rashmi Koyande
27-Feb-2014 Nanotechnology – Current Need of Ayurved Dr. Gayatri Kulkarni
02-Mar-2019 Nasya Karma - An Ayurvedic Procedure of Panchkarma Dr. Rachana Tiwari
12-Jun-2012 Natural Healing Anti-inflammatory Herbs Dr. Vipul Sharma
14-Oct-2010 Natural Home Remedies for Back Acne Dr. Savitha Suri
15-Apr-2015 Nauli as a Principal Shuddhikriya Dr. Vishwanath Kakde
31-Oct-2010 Neem: A Natural Boon for Diabetics Dr. Savitha Suri
21-Aug-2013 Neem: The Best Home Remedy for Dandruff Dr. Savitha Suri
03-Aug-2012 Neem: Top Ten Uses Dr. Savitha Suri
19-Sep-2013 Neoformulations in Ayurveda - Gel An Overview Dr. Yashoda Ranjwan
07-Apr-2014 Netra Kriyakalpa Dr. Kiran Patil
20-Jan-2014 Nine Effective Home Remedies With Turmeric Dr. Savitha Suri
15-Feb-2001 Nine Tips for Healthy Hair Vasu Nargundkar
25-Jul-2013 Nutrition Aspect of Madhura rasa (Sweetness) Dr. Savitha Suri
09-Jul-2014 Obesity & its Management with Ayurveda Dr. Rishikant Vashistha
23-Dec-2010 Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction Dr. Krishna R.S
26-Aug-2012 Obesity – Ayurvedic Perspective Dr. Jayesh Thakkar
09-Sep-2013 Oil Pulling During Fasting Dr. Savitha Suri
15-Sep-2014 Ophthalmology - You Should Know Dr. Kiran Patil
22-Aug-2014 Otolaryngology: You should Know Dr. Kiran Patil
21-Oct-2017 Pain Management Through Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
06-Sep-2015 Panchakarma Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
02-Mar-2014 Panchakarma Treatment for Healthy Life Dr. Jyoti Joshi
21-Jun-2008 Panchakarma: The Detoxification Therapy in Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
03-Mar-2014 Panchmahabhoot Theory Dr. Rajeev Kumar Verma
25-Mar-2014 Pathya Apathya in Eye Diseases Dr. Smita Lone
23-Aug-2013 Pathya Sankalpana Dr. Ashwini Patil
07-Mar-2014 Pitta prakriti Dr. Harshad Rasane
21-Sep-2019 Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
26-Mar-2013 Practical Aspect of Human Nutritional Research with Respect to Desa Dr. Padmaja Bhogte
09-Nov-2014 Prakriti Pareeksha Dr. Rakesh Ganvir
17-Feb-2013 Pre Diabetic Symptoms as Explained in Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
12-May-2010 Premature Ejaculation Dr. Krishna R.S
31-Jan-2015 Premeha Dr. Amita Baliyan
16-Jan-2012 Prepare Tulsi Tea at Home Dr. Savitha Suri
22-May-2005 Preventing Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy through Ayurveda Dr. Savitha Suri
26-Oct-2008 Prevention of Aging with Ayurveda Dr. V. V. Lakshmiprasuna
08-May-2021 Prevention of Diseases of Respiratory System Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
21-May-2017 Principle of Dincharya (Ideal Life-style) in Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
11-Nov-2014 Principle of Dincharya in Current Scenario Dr. Rakesh Ganvir
04-Mar-2014 Protect Yourself from Hidden Dangers of Cosmetics Dr. Pratima Barate
24-Dec-2006 Psoriasis Dr. Savitha Suri
08-Mar-2014 Psychological Interventions in Sthaulya (Obesity) Dr. Jayshri Damke
06-Jul-2024 Pushpa Ayurveda Sujata C
19-Jul-2015 Raktamokshana -An Important Ayurvedic Procedure Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
05-Mar-2014 Rasayan Chikitsa for the Treatment of Cancer Dr. Shreyansh Pachore
16-Aug-2013 Rasayana and Antioxidants Dr. Sarika Rathod
03-May-2014 Rasayana: The Science of Rejuvenation Dr. Prabhat Kumar Tiwari
04-Sep-2005 Raw Foods and Ayurveda Shreelata Suresh
15-Feb-2015 Recent Advancements in Herbal Medicine – Novel Drug Delivery Dr. Yasmeen Khan
19-Dec-2011 Rejuvenation Therapy with Drakshadi Rasayana Dr. Savitha Suri
24-May-2014 Remedies for Unwanted Facial & Body Hair Dr. Vipul Sharma
05-Mar-2014 Reviewing Migraine as Vascular Disease Dr. Gangaprasad Waghmare
02-Dec-2007 Role of Ayurveda in the Management of Cancer Dr. Joban Modha
28-Feb-2016 Role of Ayurvedic Treatment In Leucorrhoea Dr. Shamal Pote
28-Sep-2019 Role of Cows Urine in the Treatment of Cancer Dr. Rachna Tiwari
20-Mar-2014 Role of Ghrita in Eye and Ayurvedic Treatment Dr. Rohit Jain
17-Jul-2016 Role of Ksharasutra in the Management of Recurrent Ear Pinna Keloid Dr. Dnyaneshwar Jadhav
25-Feb-2014 Role of Nasya in Urdhwajatrugata Vikara. Dr. Anand Kale
01-Feb-2014 Role of Tarpana on Retinal Diseases Hema Ramachandra Kolape
07-Mar-2015 Role of Tivritadi Kwatha Ghana Vati in the Management of Vatarakta Dr. Sushil Payghan
12-Feb-2015 Role of Triphala-Aragvadhadi Ghana Vati in the Management of Amavata Dr. Ummedishvaramchandra Raut
26-Nov-2016 Samudag Sandhi Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
11-Apr-2015 Sanjeevani Vati and its efficacy in Samprapti Vighatan Dr. Tejaswini Nade
14-Apr-2015 Schizophrenia (Unmaad ) Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
26-Jun-2016 Sciatica Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
07-Oct-2017 Scrub Typhus Fever - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
22-Feb-2001 Seven Keys to Unlock Your Brainpower! Vasu Nargundkar
06-Jan-2002 Seven Things You Can Do To Keep Your Skin From Aging Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
20-Jan-2019 Sexual Disorders and their Management through Ayurveda Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
14-Mar-2014 Shatawari (Asparagus Recemosus) Dr. Kiran Patil
09-Mar-2014 Sheelajit a Herbomineral Drug Dr. Vidya Darade
28-Jan-2013 Shishira Ritucharya - A Healthy Lifestyle for Cold and Dry Weather Dr. Savitha Suri
05-Sep-2013 Sinuisits and its Ayurvedic Treatment Dr. Jayvant Kharat
09-May-2004 Six Basic Steps to Health and Longevity Shreelata Suresh
06-Jan-2012 Skin Care with Herbs Dr. Savitha Suri
18-Aug-2012 Sleep Well Dr. Jayesh Thakkar
20-Oct-2010 Softening Cracked Heels through Herbal Ayurveda Remedies Dr. Savitha Suri
01-Mar-2014 Srotas Samanya Vichar Dr. Kshitij Garge
05-Nov-2002 Stress-Free Holiday Travel Vasu Nargundkar
17-Mar-2013 Sudha Pani: The Celestial Healer Dr. Padmaja Bhogte
12-Nov-2012 Suppression of Natural Urges can Cause Diseases Dr. Savitha Suri
28-Apr-2013 Swarasa Kalpana Dr. Savitha Suri
09-Aug-2009 Swine Influenza and Ayurvedic Management Dr. Joban Modha
29-Aug-2013 Tailparna, the Under-explored Medicinal Plant Dr. Vanashree Labhshetwar
08-Mar-2001 Ten Commandments for Naturally Beautiful Skin Vasu Nargundkar
11-Apr-2004 Text and History of Ayurveda A Hindu Heritage of Healing Dr. Neria H. Hebbar
28-Jul-2002 The Amazing Amla Berry Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
19-Sep-2004 The Ayurvedic Skincare Routine: Facial Skin Shreelata Suresh
20-Mar-2021 The Basis Of Snehana & Swedana Under Panchakarma Therapy Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
21-Mar-2015 The Efficacy of Soubhagya Shunti Granules ... Dr. Sunetra Dabholkar
08-Nov-2012 The Food You Eat: Nourishing or Slow Poison? Dr. Savitha Suri
17-Oct-2015 The Literary Study of Bhringaraja Dr. Pooja Jadhav
27-Feb-2014 The Role of Lekhan Basti in the Treatment of Obesity Dr. Jasmine Shaikh
02-Jan-2005 The Simple Art of Washing Your Face Shreelata Suresh
06-Nov-2005 Therapeutic Uses of Honey in Ayurveda Dr. Krishna R.S
09-Feb-2004 Treat your Feet to some TLC from Ayurveda Shreelata Suresh
03-Feb-2007 Treating Dry Skin Condition Naturally: Dr. Savitha Suri
22-Dec-2014 Triphala Dr. Kiran Patil
23-Jan-2004 Triphala: Universal Skin Rasayana Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
10-Apr-2021 Tryopstambh in Ayurveda Dr. Rachana Tiwari
08-Mar-2014 Ttridosha Theory Dr. Anuj Rohilla
03-Sep-2010 Turmeric - Go for Gold Dr. Krishna R.S
25-Sep-2013 Use of Cinnamon in Kinetosis Dr. Abhishek Ghorpade
18-Mar-2014 Use of Ginkgo Biloba in Eye and Ear Disorders Dr. Kiran Patil
30-Sep-2014 Use of Shilajit Rasa as a Rasayana Dr. Sneha Karkar
10-Jan-2010 Vaajikarana (Ayurvedic Aphrodisiac Treatments) Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan
11-Jun-2012 Vajikarana Ghrita Dr. Savitha Suri
09-Mar-2014 Vaman - Medicinal Emesis Dr. Vidya Darade
14-Feb-2015 Vaman Karma in Kaphanubandhi Pittaj Madatyaya Dr. Parag Kulkarni
18-Nov-2014 Vamana in Rajyakshma A Fundamental Study Dr. Sahadas Aradhye
02-Nov-2011 Variations in Volume of Semen Dr. Krishna R.S
27-Jun-2015 Various Methods of Diagnosis in Ayurveda and its Importance Dr. Shiv Dwivedi
08-Mar-2013 Vipaka: Pharmacokinetics Dr. Prachi Khaire
06-Feb-2011 Viruddha Ahara: The Unique Concept of Ayurveda Dr. Joban Modha
09-Mar-2010 Vitiligo: Leucoderma or Safed Daag and it's Ayurvedic Treatment Prof. Dr. Shailendra Naithani
12-Aug-2001 Warning: Stress Can be Hazardous to your Skin Vasu Nargundkar
04-Sep-2014 Yapana Basti Dr. Smita Bari
18-Jun-2016 Yoga and Healthy Pregnancy Dr. Dnyaneshwar Jadhav
01-Mar-2014 Yoga and Ayurveda: Two Sides of One Coin Dr. Manoj Rathod
10-Mar-2014 Yoga Therapy for Digestive Diseases Dr. Swapnil Dharmadhikari
02-Dec-2001 You can Stay Healthy this Winter Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
23-Sep-2001 Zero In on Your Child's Health Needs with Ayurveda Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
