
Raktamokshana -An Important Ayurvedic Procedure

Ayurvedic panchakarma procedures mainly focus on throwing the vitiated dosha out of the body and thus checks the reoccurrence of the disease. And raktamokshana is one procedure among panchakarma which aims at excreting vitiated blood (Dushta rakta ) from our body.

The word Raktamokshan is derived from 2 words mainly Rakta (blood) and Mokshan (let out, to relieve).

These procedures explained thousands of years ago still holds and important place in ayurvedic treatment in curing many diseases, and have become a necessity in todays world due to changing food habits and lifestyle, for curing ailments and also to maintain health. So before learning about this procedure let’s briefly go through an ayurvedic prespective about Rakta (blood).

The first liquid principle known as Rasa,formed from the ahara (diet) while circulating in the body, when reaches yakrut(liver), pleeha(spleen), attains red colour due to ranjak pitta and will be known as Rakta.

Though rakta is circulating continuously in our body its main seats are yakrut (liver) and pleeha (spleen), and from here it governs the other seats of rakta (rakta sthna).

The prakrut (non vitiated) rakta improves complextion and nourishes mamsa dhatu and does the most important function of Jeevan (life maintainence).

The prakrut (non vitiated) rakta improves complextion and nourishes mamsa dhatu and does the most important function of Jeevan (life maintainence).

Rakta vitiating factors

Alcohol consumption, excessive intake of salt, sour , pungent ,unctuous and heavy food items, stale food, and over eating, sleeping immediately after food,exposure to sun of hot environment, stress and not performing Raktamokshana. rakta is naturally vitiated in sharad (autumn)

Raktapradoshaja Vyadhi(Diseases cause by vitiated blood)

The following diseases occur due to the vitiation of blood, mukhapaka(oral ulcers), akshiraga(redness of eyes), asyagandhika(foul odour from mouth), gulma, upakusa,(bleeding from gums) visarpa(herpes Zoster)etc.

Classification of Raktamokshana

Depending on various factors, the media used for bloodletting varies. In absence of specific media any one of said procedure can be used for the purpose.

In case of bloodletting being vitiated by Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha, the blood should be let out by Shringa, Jalauka and Alabu respectively. In cases of vitiation by two/all the three doshas together, Siravyadha or Pracchanna are to be adopted for letting out the blood.

Application of Shringa can bring out blood from an area of ten angulis around; Jalauka can suck from an area of one hasta(palm), the Alabu from an area of twelve anguli( 1finger breadth), Pracchanna from an area of one anguli, while Siravyadha(venous puncture) can purify the entire body.

In deep seated pathology, Jalauka(leech application) is preferable, in case of generalized vitiation of rakta – Siravyadha is advised and Shringa(horn), Alabu if pathology is superficial/utthana.


More by :  Dr. Shiv Dwivedi

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