
Come on Hug, Honey!


Come on, come on dear and hug me honey please!
I will teach you to swim and surf on the ocean of heaven
And help you to relax and enjoy pleasure to forget worries;
You will be happy and jolly as in holidays honey!

Like the new born ducklings to the waters and birds build homes Naturally by blood consciousness do they wonders in the world!
You too learn to swim consciously to wade through woes later;
Come on, hug me honey and enjoy life together with me!

You are the only Star of the Universe I adore most, my dear;
Hug honey like the many Stars that hang on to cover the Sky;
Let us swim and surf on the sea together till the desire lasts
And enjoy the pleasure till the end of time in the world, dear!

Yes mom, I am coming and don't leave me alone please!
I will swim and surf on the sea tight together with you!
Hold me and hug me close and never leave me alone any while
So that tsunami cannot separate me as before from you, mama!  


More by :  T. A. Ramesh

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