
Just the Two of Us

  We have lived our lives together
We will, may be, die together
Some times I looked into your eyes
Baffled by their lack of depth
While I was giddy and drunk
With the intensity of my passions
The images there seemed so unreal
I thought you had taken birth
And grew up in a small town
With a clearly defined purpose
You would complement me everywhere
Follow the illogic of my own life
The fact is you never really cared
For the multitudes of explosions
That took place in my inwardness
Unaware of the chaos in my inner being
You followed your own instincts
Your sights were clearly set on
Things proximate and achievable
Deep within I resented your indifference
But now in the twilight I recall
The sparkle I saw in your eyes
Whenever I entered your room
Or when my name was mentioned
That will endure till our death.


More by :  Ajey Rao

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