Sep 18, 2024
Sep 18, 2024
Well, now it is pay back time. Jagan Mohan has resigned from Parliament and the Congress Party. His mother, an MLA, has also resigned from the assembly and the party. The clan is going to fight on the ground. Jagan Mohan will launch his own party.“The late Chief Minister’s son is a young first term MP. Overwhelmingly the Andhra MLAs want him to succeed to the vacant post. Sonia Gandhi is reluctant to oblige… If Mrs Gandhi attempts to scotch the Andhra revolt the Congress may have to pay very dearly for that.”
More by : Dr. Rajinder Puri
AP is the last state where the Kkangress was going it alone; now the show seems to be over there as well. The amount of unrest in our nation at present is at alarming levels: 2G, CWG, Satyam/ Maytas, Adarsh, Radia / Vir Sanghvi / corporate tapes, arbitrary environmental decisions by Jairam Ramesh, absurd "interlocution" in JNK, IPL mess, LIC mess, Bank ( bad loans) scam, Nagaland-Manipur row , JPC impasse in Parliament, Karnataka MLA mess followed by scams etc etc. |