
Gandhi Vs Congress!

In Indian History only Mahatma Gandhi captured my heart very much in the modern period because of his heroic freedom movement! Without him India could not have got freedom at all! He used Congress party for freedom movement and after getting freedom for his nation he asked all concerned to dissolve Congress party and start a new party under new banner for political activity; but he was not respected and using that fraudulently even today politicians are running politics in India and looting the riches like the foreigners did!

Fraud works and corruption are preventing the country from becoming strong, self-sufficient and a super power in the world now! Only when Gandhi is respected by following his principles and ideals there will be redemption for India!

Present UPA government is Titanic ship going to sink sure soon! Six points (of transparency and accountability in administration as reform to curtail corruption) are not in their hands to implement now! They are good at the art of word manipulation! Honorable thieves and real thieves have become coalition partners in running govt. now. They are doing their jobs to the best they can! Now the time is over! It is better they accept their failures in all fields of their endeavors and quit the place for the next batch to form govt. and run the country fresh with all reforms for the good of the people.

People want to see change as quickly as possible and so, it is better the present govt. stop its patch work of no interest to all!

Gujarat State has developed mainly due to the programs for development is being followed by its CM and strict control over administration to avoid corruption there! In the Bihar State CM Nitish Kumar is sincere in following developmental programs there and mainly due to that his party has won in the recent assembly election driving out Congress party with single digit seats in that State! All these things show not Congress party but other parties are better in implementing programs true to Gandhian policies!
Out-moded politicians must be done with at the earliest! Alagiri is incapable of doing anything effectively as minister of parliament at the centre with its main coalition partner, the Congress Party. He is for control over DMK party next to his father. Now that State election is coming he has resigned to have control over party election work and consequently to have full control over party by himself to do anything as he wishes after the demise of his father! His resignation was rejected by his father who has said that the report of resignation is distortion in the news report! But future of the party is in doldrums due to 2G Spectrum scam.

The full family members of Karunadhi is living in the dream world of ancient Tamil kings which is irrelevant and incompetent in the modern world! By final fluke change they are all in power now! Sooner or later they all will be no where as people are angry with their activities for long! They will be thrown out of politics by the people who are not fools always! There is a time for everything. The time has come now for their death knell! Govt. of India is not concerned about the suffering poor and middle class people. Quick economic development was and is in the minds of the rulers since India got independence. Urban based economic development encouraging trade and industries has not quickly developed India as the Western countries of the world due to out moded policy of governance implemented by lethargic and corrupt officials! Wastages in spending money by corrupt administrative machinery of India are big hurdles that are slowing the development of India.

Unemployment problem and crimes are increasing beyond control. These things clearly show the wrong policies of govt. against Gandhian principles are the cause for the failure of Indian economic development as was envisaged during the formative period of independence! Unless rural India is developed as was envisaged by Mahatma Gandhi agricultural wastages cannot be curtailed, employment cannot be provided to village people and migration to towns cannot be stopped! Encouragement of Agro-industries and fishing industries on war footing aiming exports only can minimize the burdens of unemployment problem and rich and poor disparity and help India achieve self sufficiency and real economic development. That is the way to bring down inflation and price levels of all commodities!

The States’ elections are nearing very close by. It looks these assembly elections would reveal the further deteriorated rather a miserable status of Congress party due to corruption, price rise, naxal problem and insecurity faced by people all over the country! Administrative bunglings of UPA have driven their partners to the edge of the cliff to be rolled out to the abyss after assembly elections in the five States of India like West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Pondicherry!

BJP's gearing up its attacks based on corruption against UPA will surely add fuel to fire paving the way for the down fall of Congress party! As the things are going on so, it looks, even present parliament may be dissolved before the Congress party finishes its five year term in office leading to parliament election soon! Is this the fate of Congress party which is not following Gandhian policies going to be rejected by the frustrated and angry people of India? Very soon an apt answer can be expected without fail sure!


More by :  T. A. Ramesh

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Views: 3549      Comments: 5

Comment A huge cataclysm has to occur. No body can face the wrath of the poor masses especially in villages.of rural India. It is actually a sin when majority of the 65-70% of total population are withering in villages while the so called elite bureaucrats in nexus with the greedy politicians are glittering like anything. The poor becomes poorer and the rich becomes richer. The economy of entire India is in the hands of political bandicoots and avaricious govt.officials. There should be an social, political upheavel as in Egypt, Syria...Whether is it possible in India? The ignorant rural masses are after freebees, concessions, Inams ,Ilavasams... Oh..What a pity???

30-Sep-2012 10:14 AM

Comment Thank you friends for all your nice comments!

31-Jan-2011 08:26 AM

Comment In Indian History only Mahatma Gandhi captured my heart very much in the modern period because of his heroic freedom movement! Without him India could not have got freedom at all! He used Congress party for freedom movement and after getting freedom for his nation he asked all concerned to dissolve Congress party and start a new party under new banner for political activity; but he was not respected and using that fraudulently even today politicians are running politics in India and looting the riches like the foreigners did!

21-Jan-2011 04:24 AM

Comment hey.good idea ......about politics you may have be a politician....you have so much knowledge related.this poltics.........

21-Jan-2011 04:23 AM

Comment Really you have an excellent idea related to this article.......imagine..you have written so impressive.....thought.........

from: reena

21-Jan-2011 04:21 AM

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