
Time is a Numerical Order of Change

in a 4D Space

The biggest Misunderstanding of the 20th Century Science
is that Time is a 4th Dimension of Space

Today's physics understands space and time as being coupled in “space-time”; a fundamental arena in which universe takes place. Einstein himself has never considered time as being part of space; he was talking about a “four-dimensional continuum” in which physical events occur. In his Special Theory of Relativity Einstein used Minkowski's 4-dimensional space that has four coordinates: X1, X2, X3, X4 where X4 = ict. X4 is not a “temporal coordinate”, X4 is not the time t that is measured with clocks. In the formula X4 = ict, time t is only a component. Out of this mathematical formalism one can conclude that in the Special Theory of Relativity time t is not part of space. Minkowski space is not 3D+T, it is 4D (1).

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More by :  Amrit Sorli

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Comment When Buddha could meet Einstein he would probably ask him: I live in eternal now and here. Where is your physical time? Einstein would answer him: Time we measure with clocks is a numerical order of changes that run into eternal now and here”.

19-Feb-2011 18:30 PM

Comment Dear Amrit Sorli,

Understood what is ment by "time is a numerical order of change".

But, since last 2 days, I am thinking - Why space can not be termed as 'Numerical order of distance' ...


Dinesh Kumar Bohre
10-Feb-2011 08:42 AM

Comment Dear Dinesh,

common interpretation of Theory of Relativity is that time is relative......big mistake......relative is a speed of material change: clocks run faster on the top of the Mont Everest than down in the valley because gravity on the top is weaker.
Clocks run in space only and not in time; time t is a numerical order of their "ticking".

yours amrit

07-Feb-2011 16:11 PM

Comment Dear Amrit,

Certainly this is more interesting that different physicists have different bilieves/predictions.

Your article has inspired me to study Theory of Relativity, I have already downloaded the pdf file mentioned in reference in your article.
(G. 't Hooft (2002), Introduction to General Relativity,)

Thanks & Regards

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
07-Feb-2011 13:15 PM

Comment Dear Dinesh,

I'm not expert for the theory of chaos, so I can't add.....
What I see that top physicists believe there is possible in time:
Prof. Hawking says one can travel into future,
Prof. Carrool says one can travel only into past but he has no possibility to change anything,
Prof. Kaku says time is like a river with many can travel through.....

Time is not a dimension in which motion happen, time is a numerical order of motion.
So discussions on time travel are waist of time.

Yours Amrit

07-Feb-2011 08:20 AM

Comment Dear Amrit Sorli,

Yes, one can travel in space only.

I am pointing to a another approach to reach this logical conclusion (it can be put mathematically as well), probably you can add something on it ...


Dinesh Kumar Bohre
07-Feb-2011 06:50 AM

Comment Dear Dinesh, one can travel in space only and time is a numerical order of its motion. As we can walk only through space equally spaceship can travel only in the same identical space. This space is Eternity itself- Brahma.

yours amrit

06-Feb-2011 15:19 PM

Comment Dear Amrit Sorli,

Interesting article !

Travel to Past is not possible:

I would like to reproduce a logical conclusion (that I posted in one of the websites for questions & answers: a few years back)

1. Thoery of Chaos says:
In a chaotic system, "small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general" (

2. Our environment on earth is a chaotic system.

3. Now, if someone can travel in past, then he must interact with the system in the past (even to view things, absorbing light is interaction). This will cause 'difference in initial conditions'. If the travel in past is long enough (say, to travel 100 years back), then this infinite change in system 100 years back would result in significant difference in the system we have at present on earth. This means that any interaction in past will change the current system state on earth.
Hence, if instantaneous rearrangement in current system is not possible, then travel to past is also not possible!

(Engineer by profession, dealing with newtonion physis is hobby)

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
06-Feb-2011 07:49 AM

Comment Amrit Sorli examines in a clear and brilliant way the physical semantics as regards space and time. Time does not flow in the universe as an independent variable of evolution: it exists only as a numerical order of material motion occurring in an timeless space. The idea of an idealized time must be replaced with the concept of the numerical order of events in a background that at a fundamental level is timeless. It is important to underline that Sorli's view of time as a numerical order of change in a timeless 4-dimensional space can be considered the natural development of ideas that go back already to considerations made by Einstein during the 50's of the last century and by Mach in the 19th century and is supported by many recent theoretical results (regarding quantum gravity, state space and Hamiltonian mechanics) and experimental results (regarding immediate physical phenomena such as EPR-type experiments).

Davide Fiscaletti
01-Feb-2011 12:29 PM

Comment Hi Narendra, science use models to describe universe. Model of "space-time" is wrong on the base of mathematical formalism X4 = ict. X4 if Minkowski is not temporal dimension, it is spatial dimension. And time t here is a numerical order of change in a 4D space. This is regarding physic as model of the world.

Sure as you say, all this are models, we can use different math models to describe universe: Riemann, Euclid, de Sitter......Point is not here,

the message of my article is that time t we measure with clocks in not part of the concrete physical space in which we live, in which universe exist. Universe is timeless, eternity is now and here, time is only numerical order of eternity changes. In right understanding of time physics encounter spirituality. Recently I wrote a book on that subject: Einstein's Timeless Universe - The Foundation for Cosmic Religiousness".

Religiousness is not about "believing", it is about "knowing".

yours amrit nirvi

01-Feb-2011 09:08 AM

Comment Space and time are mere concepts. We understand the physical phenomena through these concepts. One may well think of alternates to explain the observed facts. Do we have any proof that space is a physical quantityand the same holds for time! In fact, all observations we take are relative measurements with respect to some reference.There is thus no absoluteness about the concepts of space and time. Further we assume both these parameters to be homogeneous in nature. If there are distortions in space and or time, one may well generate mass and energy. It may well have happened at the start of the uNiverse. But we can't perform such experiments now. The only thing we may possibly do today is to have a space vehicle where may generate vacuum behind and compression in front, thus making the vehicle see an illusion of space distortion, due to inhomogeneity introduced. The space vehicle may well move under such conditions to exceed the velocity of light!
i wonder if i am talking sense as finally evrything boils down to our own awareness, which is a part of consciousness. The entire game is being played by consciousness, individual, collective and cosmic. How to relate between them is also a challenge? in a way you are right to include space and time as a 4-dimensional space that Einstein did. In fact multiverses also introduce another dimension to worry about where the two verses may meet!

Narendra Nath
01-Feb-2011 08:27 AM

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