
Quotations & Proverbs

  1. Life is still a mirage; the farthest horizon is too close to be achieved.
  2. Criticism is the surest test of friendship.
  3. Goodness cannot be concealed.
  4. Riding is no art, to handle the curate and the reins all the time is the key to success.
  5. Mutual understanding is the key to true friendship.
  6. No power on earth can create enemies for you unless you yourself want to.
  7. I slander myself when my thoughts clash with my deeds.
  8. My body is my living temple. 
  9. We pursue more in thoughts than in deeds.  
  10. ‘I’ll try to’ is a polite way of saying no to any situation.
  11. The best form of self-help is to avoid being a burden on others.
  12. The purest form of an action is to do others good.
  13. A bad tongue causes a fatal injury.
  14. Personal satisfaction is got by doing what I think soothes others. 
  15. Today is the creation of bygone yesterday and coming tomorrow.
  16. Vacant and pensive moods are purely astral.
  17. Happiness is the outcome of sorrows.
  18. Conflicts are the root of affection.
  19. A flower without fragrance bloom in vain.
  20. Dreams are creations of sub-conscience mind.
  21. A broken heart is capable of doing wonders.
  22. Saturation produces creativity in any direction
  23. Trials are test of true friendship.
  24. Unconditional surrender is the key to supreme ruling.
  25. Wisdom can be judged in the company of fools.
  26. Light emerges where darkness ends.
  27. The confluence of thought, action, and deed display our personality.
  28. Soundness of a healthy mind can be maintained only in a peaceful atmosphere.
  29. Slavery to others is submissive, Slavery to self is torturing.
  30. We are cowards when we betray our conscience.
  31. Will power implemented in the right direction is the submissiveness to the lord’s will.
  32. Beauty lies in deed, which is the last stage of thought and word.
  33. To undo a wrong doing is impossible.
  34. To think of a thought that is bad is bad.
  35. To be voracious is good, but not on malice grounds.
  36. Hideous are the deeds that are done in darkness.
  37. Confession of a fact is far better than self-repentance.
  38. Those are luckiest who find their kind.
  39. We have to pay the price of our dignity.
  40. Man is potentially a God, in Him power is revealed, in humans it is dormant.
  41. To love and to be loved is possible when the two are contemporaries.
  42. Laughter is a curing medicine – cheapest too.
  43. The emergence of dawn beneath the darker sheaths of dusk brings with itself the message of new light, New joy, and new life. This is happiness.
  44. Life is an unquenched identity, hence it has been rolling and re-rolling from generation to generation never to die, but to live seeking fulfillment.
  45. We have to take the coin of life as it comes, a unique face of roses and thorns. You cannot separate one face from the other. So let us live ADAM & EVE, such that we do not falsify the coin of life while cashing. 
  46. It is difficult to unknot a knot when you know not how to unknot.
  47. Essence of love is like a flower a lasting perfume, everlasting and eternal, which creates all infinite and unquenched souls to quench their thirst for love with love.
  48. Life is arithmetic; friends added (+) Enemies subtracted (-) Joys multiplied (*) Sorrows divided (-:-)
  49. Intelligence, luck & success are three different issues of life. We have no gauge to bring them on the same level for different individuals. It is the difference of all the three that brings to the surface comparisons and contrasts. 
  50. Trust the short-lived happiness that is at hand. For this is an opportunity that may not repeat itself.
  51. Love the one you hate, afford to lose the one you love.
  52. Let the sunshine of your smile spread a peaceful abode for aching souls.
  53. A peaceful message through fading flowers is a wonderful incentive for fragrance that is never fading.
  54. Woman makes a man, and man rules her, This is a naked truth and a tragedy too.
  55. What I write and what you read, is the reflection of my thoughts, Which just slips away, as does a tiny toe on the stage of ice, With not an imprint left for the foes.    


More by :  Devi Nangrani

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Comment Thanks Mr. Iyer for the profound words that make a thoughtful mind to be active
devi Nangrani

Devi Nangrani
08-Apr-2011 11:01 AM

Comment good. more required.

K R Iyer
08-Apr-2011 08:05 AM

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