Book Reviews

Key to the Locked Doors

Key to the Locked Doors is a unique translatory work of Dr. Qazi who has done immense justice in highlighting the original essence of the writer Ayjaaz Rahim. It is the language of the heart that has been put in finite words to express the infinite experiences, human sentiments and true feelings of joy, sorrow, grief, misery, ignorance, greed, loneliness, love and hatred, but the unspoken compassion always supersedes the circumference of spoken language. 
You are the silence.
Silence is a language in itself. It speaks, at times; it shouts and screams louder than thunder. Each and every poem has some dormant mission reflecting the human feelings. It’s beautifully transformed from the infinite language of silence to that of finite words showing a co-relative bond. It is the timeless frame of his will that speaks silence and listens silence in all totality.
Dr. Kazi,  has done immense justice to the flow and flaw of the language in the efforts to maintain the fragrance in the equal measure. Let’s look at this couplet that shows the richness of words displaying the depths of the thought so beautifully woven in a majestic flow of ripples.

Like a grand river of light
Flowing from
A needle’s orfice. 

The tenderness of the thoughts, put forth by Dr. Kazi leaves footprints of his inner capabilities of seeing, hearing and expressing the silence in words. The poetic format flows from the flight of dawn and dusk through a narrow passage of understanding where duality cannot be sustained.
This work is a unique encyclopedia of poetries that enlighten human hearts and minds fruitifying the ceaseless efforts of Dr. kazi. Wrapping up from the zone of enlightment towards the sunset of life, the author glides gracefully from life to death reproducing his thoughts as to how the awareness of the truth helps to sustain the unstable state.
Here I shall make an effortless attempt to end with a beautiful quote of Oscar Wilde  “Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.”   


More by :  Devi Nangrani

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