
Tackling Corruption

Corruption and Prostitution are age old maladies that can never be eradicated. As in prostitution, so in corruption, there is a giver and a taker. A demand is made and the demand is met. It is here that the role of regulation comes in; to limit the influence of the malaise on society, so as to ensure a healthy transition of civility to future generations.

But what we have done since independence is to find ways and means to bypass all such regulations while showcasing pretence of civility! We have all been forced over time to be part of this exercise, all in the name of getting ahead.

As the saying goes, “Too much of everything is bad". Too much for the ones who could lay their hands on and too little for the rest; hence the upheaval.

As I have earlier written, the malaise of corruption and impropriety has gone so far that indulging in name calling and analysing is futile

So let us act.

I recollect an instance from the 70's. I was privy to a pleading by a have not to a baniya; Translated, it went thus, "Please babuji, you may kick me in my back but please don't kick me in my stomach"

Sending people behind bars is akin to kicking a person in his back. Decimating his ill gotten asset is akin to kicking him in his stomach.

As a start, demolish Adarsh. The reverberations will be resounding and the lesson to the people who think that the law is an ass, will be remembered for a long time to come.


More by :  Ravinder Malhotra

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