
Who will Pursue Medical Profession?

Many youngsters aspire for the profession of the doctor of medicine. The ancient literature of astrology provides apt pointers for choosing medical profession. Make intelligent and informed decision, after analyzing the chart. In this write-up, notable astro-combinations indicating career as a doctor are provided.

Reference from Jataka Tatwa

  • Mercury in Sagittarius as the 10th house.
  • 10th lord from lagna, Moon or Sun occupying Aries or Scorpio in the Navamsa chart.
  • Karakamsa aspected by Mercury, Moon and Venus.
  • 2nd lord occupying the 7th all these dispositions point to the profession as a doctor

According to Varahmihira, Sun has an acknowledged rulership over medical profession. Sun in conjunction or trine to Mars or the Nodes, aspected by Jupiter signifies a career related to medicine.

Whatever be the Lagna, the following are some of the general indicators pointing to medical profession:

  • Conjunction of Sun and Saturn in any house
  • Saturn aspecting Sun in any house.
  • Sun occupying Capricorn or Aquarius.
  • Sun and Saturn in mutual Kendras.
  • Exaltation of Saturn and Sun.
  • Lords of 1 and 10 related to each other.
  • Mars occupying an Upachaya house.
  • Saturn as the 10th lord in trine to Sun.
  • Mars in trine to the Nodes.
  • Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius, aspected by Saturn.
  • Moon and Mars being stronger than other planets.
  • Malefics in the 10th aspected by benefic.
  • Association of Sun with Mars; or vice versa.
  • Parivartana between the lords of 9 and 12.
  • Association between sun, Mercury and Jupiter.
  • Association between the lords of 8 and 12.
  • 10th lord associated with the 6th house or the 6th lord.
  • Conjunction of various planets in any house; Sun. Moon and Mercury; Sun Moon and Venus; Sun , Mercury and Jupiter; Moon, Jupiter and Venus; Moon, Mercury and Jupiter.

Some of the special astro-combinations indicating medical profession for all the 12 lagnas:

Aries lagna

  • Moon in lagna, Mars in 3, Sun in 4, Saturn in 6 aspected by Jupiter from Pisces.
  • Moon and Mars in 7, Jupiter (retro) in lagna.
  • Moon in debilitation, Sun with Mars and Rahu in its Moolartikona rasi, while exalted Mercury is with debilitated Venus and Saturn.
  • Mars in 3, Sun in 4, Saturn in 6, Rahu in 1.
  • Mars in Leo with Sun and Rahu while Jupiter occupies Libra.
  • Sun with Mercury in 4, Moon in Libra and Jupiter (retro) in 9.
  • Mars with Moon in Aquarius, Sun with Mercury, Saturn and Rahu in Lagna; Venus in Taurus and retrograde Jupiter in Libra.
  • Sun, Mars and Rahu in 5, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in 6.
  • Sun, Mercury and Saturn in 7, Mars exalted in 10, Jupiter in 4.
  • Sun, Saturn and Jupiter in lagna, Mars in 2.

Taurus lagna

  • Sun, Venus, Mercury and Saturn in 10, Mars in 11; Jupiter and Rahu in 8.
  • Sun and Mercury in 1, Mars in 4 Jupiter and ketu in 6.
  • Sun in 1, Mars (retro ) in 6, Jupiter , Venus, Mercury in 12.
  • Sun in 3, Mercury in 4, Venus with Rahu in 5, Mars in 6, Saturn in 9, Jupiter in 10, Moon with Ketu in 11.

Gemini lagna

  • Mercury, Mars and Venus in 6, Sun with Ketu in 5.
  • Jupiter in 6, Mars and Mercury in 8, Sun with Venus in 7, Rahu in 10.
  • Saturn (R) and Rahu in 1, Mars in 6, Sun and Mercury in 7.
  • Mercury in 1, Sun, Venus and Saturn in 2, Moon in 8, Mars and Rahu in 12.
  • Sun, Venus in 1, Mars and Mercury in 2, Rahu in 4, Moon in 10, Jupiter and Saturn in11.
  • Moon in 1, Rahu in 4, Mars in 7, Sun Mercury and Venus in 9, Saturn and Jupiter in 10.
  • Jupiter in 6, Saturn in 7, Sun and Mercury in 8, Venus in 9, Moon and Ketu in 10, Mars in 12.

Cancer lagna

  • Sun and Venus in 2, Mars and Mercury in 3, Saturn in 5, Moon in 10 and Rahu in 12.
  • Mars and Saturn in 1, Jupiter and Moon in 6, Sun, Mercury and Rahu in 10.
  • Mars related to the 10th house, occupying Sun’s constellation, Sin in 7 in Mars’ constellation, Venus in 9 and Jupiter in 3.
  • Mercury, Mars and Sun in 6, Jupiter in 9.
  • Sun in 3, Mercury, Venus and Rahu in 4, Mars in 5.
  • Mars in 1, Moon and Ketu in 8, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in 12.
  • Jupiter and Saturn in 2, Sun in 3, Mercury and Venus and Rahu in 4, Mars in 5.
  • Mars in 1, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in 11, Sun with Jupiter in 12 (Surgery).
  • Jupiter with Rahu in 4, Saturn in 5, Mars and Mercury in 8, Sun an Venus in 7, Moon in 9.
  • Rahu in 2, Venus in 7, Ketu and Mercury in 8, sun in 9, Moon in 10, Mars and Saturn and Jupiter in 11.
  • Jupiter in 2, Saturn with Rahu in 5, Mars in 6, Moon in 7, Sun with Venus in 10.

Leo lagna

  • Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Rahu in 2, Sun in 4 and Moon in 11.
  • Sun, Rahu and Venus in 1, Mars with Mercury in 2, Saturn in 10, Jupiter in 11.
  • Sun and Mercury in 4, Venus in 5, Jupiter in 10, Saturn and Mars in 3.

Virgo lagna

  • Mercury in 4 in Moola star, Mars in 3, Moon in 12.
  • Sun in 10 in Mars’ Star and Jupiter in 11 in Aslesha, Mercury and Sun in 2 in Chitra;
  • Sun, and Mercury in 2, Moon in 8 with Saturn, Jupiter in 2, Rahu in 6.
  • Sun and Mars in 8.
  • Sun and Mercury in 4, Mars and Venus in 5, Jupiter in 10, Saturn in 12.
  • Mercury in 10, Sun in 11, Mars in 12, Saturn with Moon in 4.
  • Saturn in 1, Sun in 2, Mercury and Venus in 3, Mars in 4, Rahu in 5, Moon in 6 and Jupiter (R) in 8.
  • Ketu in 5, Mars in 7, Sun, Mercury and Saturn in 9, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu in 11, Moon in 12.

Libra lagna

  • Mercury in 2, Moon in 5, Mars in 4 in Sun constellation, Sun and Venus in lagna.
  • Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn in 10, Jupiter in 4.
  • Mars in 10, Sun in 11, Venus with Mercury in 12, Moon with Ketu in 9.
  • Sun and Mercury in 1, Jupiter and Mars in 3, Saturn (R) in 6, Moon in 10.
  • Saturn in 4, Moon and Rahu in 5, Mars in 8, Sun in 10, Jupiter Mercury and Ketu in 11(skin specialist).
  • Sun and Mercury in 1, Mars and Jupiter in 3, Saturn in 6, Moon in 10, Venus in 12,(E.N.T.specialist).
  • Saturn in lagna, Sun, Mercury and Rahu in 5, Venus and Mars in 5, Jupiter in 7, Moon and ketu in 1.
  • Moon with Saturn in 5, Jupiter in 9, Rahu, Mars and Sun in 10, Mercury in 11, Venus in 12.
  • Saturn in 1, Rahu in 3, Mercury with Venus in 4, Sun in 5, Mars in 7, Jupiter with ketu in 9, Moon in 10.

Scorpio lagna

  • Mars in 4, Sun in 5, Mercury in 6, Saturn and Venus in 7, Jupiter in 8. Moon with Rahu in 10.
  • Jupiter with Ketu in lagna, Saturn with Mars in 9, Sun with Moon in 11, Venus with Mercury in 12.
  • Mars in lagna, Moon in 7 (exalted Moon, causing Mangala Yoga).
  • Sun, Mars, Mercury and Rahu in 2, Jupiter in 6, Saturn in 9, Moon in 10, Venus in 11.
  • Sun, Mercury in Vargottama in 12 with Ketu.
  • Sun Mars, Mercury and Rahu in 2, Jupiter in 6, Saturn in 9, Moon in 10, Venus in 11.
  • Venus in 1, Jupiter in 3, Saturn in 5, Ketu in 6, Moon in 10, Mars in 11, Mercury and Rahu in 12.

Sagittarius lagna

  • Jupiter in 10, Sun in 1 in the constellation Moola, Venus and Mars in 12.
  • Moon in 4, Mars in 5 in the star Aswini, Sun in 6, Venus in 4.
  • Sun in lagna in the star Moola, Jupiter in 10, Venus and Mars in 12.
  • Mars in the star Uttarashada in 2, Moon exalted in 6,Venus in 4.
  • Sun in lagna in the star Moola, Jupiter in 10, Venus and Mars in 12.
  • Mars in the star Uttarashada in 2, Moon exalted in 6, Sun , Venus and Mercury in 10, Saturn in 4.
  • Sun and Mercury in 4, Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu in 10, Mars in 12.
  • Mercury in 3, Mars in 9.
  • Mars with Venus in 4, Sun, Mercury and Ketu in 2; Rahu Saturn, and Moon in 8.
  • Jupiter in Lagna, Sun, Mercury and Ketu in 2, Mars and Venus in 4, Saturn, Moon and Rahu in 8 (Physician, Principal of a medical college).
  • Sun and Mercury in lagna, Rahu in 2, Moon and Ketu in 8, Jupiter in 10, Mars, Venus and Saturn in 12.
  • Moon , Jupiter and Saturn in 5, Sun and Venus in 7, Mercury and Mars in 8, Rahu in 10.

Capricorn lagna

  • Sun in 9, Moon with Mars in 11, Saturn in 2, Jupiter with Mercury in 10 (Orthopaedic surgeon).
  • Mars in 2, Sun, Mercury (R) and Rahu in 4, Venus(R) in 5, Moon in 7, Jupiter in 8, Saturn (R), Ketu in 10.
  • Saturn (R) in 2, Rahu in 3, Moon in 4, Mercury with Venus (R) in 5, Moon in 7, Jupiter in 10m, Mars in 11.
  • Rahu in 2, Sun in 4, Mercury in 5, Jupiter, Mars and Venus in 6, Saturn (R) in 10, Moon in 12.
  • Moon in 1, Saturn in 3, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in 4, Moon, Ketu in 8, Saturn in 9, Mars in 10.

Aquarius lagna

  • Jupiter in lagna, Mars and Venus in 10 (Surgeon).
  • Rahu in 3, Saturn (R) in 6, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury in 10, Moon and Mars in 7.
  • Jupiter with Venus in 1, Mars in 10 in Vargottama.
  • Mars in 4, Mercury in 6, Sun, Moon, Venus and Rahu in 7, Jupiter with Saturn (R) in 11 (Gynaecologist).
  • Mars in 2, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn in 4, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu in 6, ketu in 12 (Heart specialist).
  • Rahu in 4, Mars in 5, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in 6, Sun in 7, Moon in 8, Jupiter in 9 and Ketu in 10 (Physician).
  • Saturn with Jupiter and Ketu in 4, Sun and Mercury in 5, Venus in 6, Mars in Moon 11.
  • Mars in 1, Moon in 5, Sun in 6, Venus in 7, Mercury in 8, Sun with Saturn in 9 Jupiter in 10.
  • Sun and Venus in 2, Mercury and Ketu in 3, Mars in 4, Moon in 7, Jupiter (R) in 8.

Pisces lagna

  • Rahu in 3, Mercury with Saturn in 5, Sun in 6, Mars with Venus in 7, Jupiter in 8.
  • Jupiter with Saturn in 6, Sun in 6, Mars with Venus in 7, Jupiter in 8.
  • Jupiter with Saturn in 6, Sun, Mercury and Rahu in 8, Mars in 10.
  • Sun , Mercury and Jupiter in 1, Saturn with Ketu in 9, Mars in 12.

Case-study: Successful Medical Profession

This is the horoscope of a leading doctor in Thoracic medicine, who excelled academically also.







08:12 hrs
Tamil Nadu








Asc Venus

Sun Mars
Merc Jup

Rasi Chart

Many general-astro-pointers for the medical profession are found in the above case – study.

  • Association (Conjunction of Sun with Mars in Virgo). Both Sun and Mars are placed in the star of Hasta.
  • Parivartana of the 9th and the 12 th lord is general indicator. Mercury is both the 9th and the 12th lord, remaining in exaltation.
  • Conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the 12th house.
  • Lords of 1 and 10 (Venus and Moon ) in mutual kendras.
  • Association between the 10th lord Moon and the 6th lord Jupiter (Jupiter aspecting Moon).  



More by :  Shanker Adawal

Top | Astrology

Views: 3688      Comments: 48

Comment My son Sri Keshav Anirudth
DOB 21.03.2004
Time 8:15 PM
Day Sunday
Can he get the medical seat in merit this year in neet

Lakshmi Nandagopal
11-Oct-2021 08:34 AM

Comment My Son was born on 17 November at 1.09 pm in Chandigarh. Will he become MBBS dr or which field in medical profession is suitable for him.

Sonia Bhonchal Bhardwaj
18-Aug-2021 02:00 AM

Comment Guriji my daughter name is Rakshitha. N. She is currently studying second puc n opted neet. She is kanya rashi chitha nakshatra. Born in Bangalore. Time 11.55 am will she get a mbbs seat?

Rakshitha. N
10-Mar-2021 06:05 AM

Comment DOB:2.5.2002.
Birth time: 6:15

I want to ne a Doctor please tell me it is possible

29-Sep-2020 01:11 AM

Comment Guruji plz tell me whether I will get medical sheet or not. My dob is 27.05.2002.8.21 am.plz tell me I will get good Mark's in neet .
Thank u

10-May-2020 01:25 AM

Comment My daughter : Angelina Sargan
D.O.B. : 30-Jan-2004
Time : 09:32 am
Place : Irinjalakuda, Thrissur Kerala

Would you please let me know is my daughter will professionally qualified to get M.B.B.S seat . If no, then let me know the line of education for her professional career.


16-Mar-2020 06:39 AM

Comment My son Born on 21/9/1998 1.02AM At new Delhi
Name Himanshu

He is not complete studying on 10 th class but complete the polytechnic
Complete 3 year . But He want to be B Tech . Please tell me whether either or is possible. Kindly say what will be my future

Pawan Kumar

04-Feb-2020 03:15 AM

Comment Should I do D. Parm or which business is good for me plz say me

Pratik Oza
06-Oct-2019 05:15 AM

Comment Namaskar Guruji
I'm sending details of my son
DOB 03/08/2002
Time 1:33pm
Place New Delhi

My question is pls see he will be able to become MBBS as he is doing medical and is in 12th std right now
Will he able to qualify NEET medical exam in 2020

Thanks n regards

21-Aug-2019 07:54 AM

Comment Guruji Namaskar,
I am sending my daughter Esha's birth details. My question is can she become a MBBS or MD Doctor, if yes which specialization to be taken for practice.How is her education and future as per kundali. Please guide me so that she will have a good future.

Date of birth: 17th September 2003 (17.9.2003)
Time of birth : 7.45 AM
Place of birth : GULBARGA (Karnataka state)

21-Jul-2019 01:45 AM

Comment Guruji pls tell me whether I become a doctor? My DOB:11/09/1996
TIME 10:55PM

Sreelakshmi Hari
10-Mar-2019 22:36 PM

Comment DOB 6/8/2002, TOB: 13:34 POB: BALDWIN PARK, CALIFORNIA

Question: Kala Sarpa Dosha? What remedies if yes
Will he be a doctor?


09-Jan-2019 14:25 PM

Comment I born on 10th Dec 2011 by 1.35pm at Ahmedabad, Gujarat
I am interested in science & to become a doctor, grahas combination will persuade this
or not

02-Nov-2016 11:27 AM

Comment Thank you.
There is a typing mistake in the message I sent for my daughter.
DOB year is 1997.


Radhika Nagappa
21-Sep-2016 20:10 PM

Comment Dear Guruji,

My Daughter name :Divya Nagappan
11.12 am , local New Zealand Time,Mithuna Rasi
Born in Auckland ,New Zealand.

Wants to do medicine. If she doesn't get this year want to complete the degree and try again both in New Zealand and Australia.
Will she get medical admission.



Radhika Nagappan
18-Sep-2016 19:31 PM

Comment Guruji,

Name ; K.Vandana
DOB : 29-06-2000 at 16 Hrs.-37 Min
Rasi : Taurus
Lagna : Scorpio

Can she choose MBBS .

15-Sep-2016 06:37 AM

Comment DOB-12/4/1987
PLACE Bangalore
time 6.30 am
i have completed my graduation in B.E [EEE] ..
I Would like to do mbbs , is it possible for me ??????

19-Aug-2016 13:20 PM

Comment My son ayush born on 22-Jun-2003 in Pune at 7:20 PM. Hs has saturn and sun combined in 7th house. 10th lord mercury is in sixth house with sixth lord venus and rahu. But lagna lord jupiter is placed in 8th house. Moon is in 4th house and mars is third house.
He is very intelligent, punctual in daily routine and prayers but does not concentrate on studies. Whether he is going to concentrate on studies in future and has the chance to become a qualified doctor.

07-Jun-2016 12:10 PM

Comment My Son : Anubhab Banerjee
D.O.B. : 04.05.2000
Time : 10:13 am
Place : Durgapur, West Bengal

Will he professionally be a M.B.B.S .

chandan banerjee
07-Jun-2016 06:47 AM

DT. 06/05/2016.
My daughter : P M KAVYA SREE
D.O.B. : 29/06/1998
Time : 5.20 am

Will she professionally be a M.B.B.S . If no, then let me know her professional career. -

We will awaiting u r auspicious reply

Thanking u sir.

06-May-2016 05:08 AM

Comment Dear Guruji,
My daughter name -Tanvi,
birth date is 06.08.1997,
time- 12.55pm,
-which profession should she adopt?
Presently looking for medical entrance examination, is their any chance to get thru?
My Son, Name-Shaurya Bajaj,
place Durg,Chhattisgarh.
-Which profession he should adopt?
Kindly give your valuable advice.

01-Mar-2016 00:45 AM

Comment Si
My daughter SOUMYA was born on 17 September 2000 at Hyderabad.The exact time is not known.Can you please say what profession she will go for? Will it be useful if she tries for admission in MBBS?

10-Nov-2015 05:16 AM

Comment My sons DOB 11-05-1997 time 11.50 am pob Nagercoil Karkataga Lagna
Sun and Mercury in 10th place. Mars in 2nd house and is in parivarthana between sun and mars. Now running Saturn Dasa and budha andardasa
Any scope for medicine profession

Kindly reply
Sorry for inconvenience caused due to this

hoping a reply

Thanking u in advance

babu lekshminarayan
21-Sep-2015 12:30 PM

Comment my daughter born on 2nd september 1999 at 2.45pm
9.907519 latti
longi 76.712058

what will be her profession


31-Aug-2015 02:44 AM

Comment my dauter Rinny Khanna Female was born on 16.11.1996 at Ajmer (Rajasthan), wants to become Doctor. She has got admission in Bsc but not going to college. and saying give me one more chance to appear in medical entrance exam.kindly advise us.
thanking you.

17-Aug-2015 01:51 AM

Comment Hi,

My daughter is born on 7th July 1998 Vadodara Gujarat 6:05 a.m. Would you please let me know the line of education for her.

Vrichik Rashi
Mithun lagna
Mar and Sun in Lagna(Mithun Rashi)
Budh (Kark 2nd house)
Rahu( 3rd house)
Chandra(6th house)
Ketu(9th house)
Guru(10th house Meen Rashi)
Shani(11th house)
shukra( 12th house Vrishabh rashi)

10-Aug-2015 13:52 PM

Comment dhanalakshmi born on 27-03-1998 at 10:53 would get medical seat or not?

25-Jul-2015 07:53 AM

Comment Guruji,
my daughter Shubhaprada has born on 20.9.1997 at 13.32 pm in mysore karnataka
we want to know will she get MBBS seat in karnataka in this year 2015

thanks in advance

shubhaprada sudhindra gothe
21-Jul-2015 11:23 AM

Comment sir..i m working hard for med prep for 4 life has stopped and am very much depressed and tired now..this year i did everything to get a med collg..But this is my last chance..IF i wont get this tym..m sure i will do sumthin..I dont blive in destiny and all but my bad luck and constant failure has brought me here..plzzz help and guide me...i m in nowhere condition to hear dob-26/12/93

31-May-2015 02:15 AM

Comment my date of birth is 3 dec 1996 can i get a medical seat. please tell

23-May-2015 01:16 AM

Comment Dear Guruji

Please be kind enough to reply

My sons dob 11-05-1997 Karkadaga Lagna, Born in Tamil Nadu , Nagercovil. Time 11:30 am Mars 2nd house, 3rd house rahu, 10th house mercury and sun.
Can he select Medicine as Profession

Once again i request u to reply

babu lekshminarayan
16-May-2015 07:58 AM

Comment Namaskaram Guruji


My sons dob is 11-05-1997 place of birth Nagercoil. Tamilnadu Time 11-30am.

Karkadaga Lagnam. Moon gemini. Sun and mercury in 10th place. Can he choose medical as profession.

Please be kind enough to reply.

Thanking u

Yours faithfully

babu lekshminarayan
06-Apr-2015 00:29 AM

Comment My sons date of birth is 11-05-1997 Place of Birth Tamilnadu, Nagercoil. Time 11-15 am
Karkadaga Lagnam

Let me know he can choose medical profession.

04-Apr-2015 09:22 AM

Comment My grand daughter -DOB: 13-08-1999-Time 0530 (am)-Place: Pondicherry. Will she enter medical profession?

R. Jambulingam
22-Feb-2015 12:30 PM

Comment dob 10-11-1991- 10.23 am in kottayam..kerala..moolam..2nd pada.. dhanu lagna

23-Dec-2014 11:21 AM

Comment i m a bams student. what sector should i choose to practise..ineterested more in astology ,surgery and psychology.will i be a reputed ayurvedic physician?

23-Dec-2014 11:19 AM

Comment dob is 2nd september 1999 @2.45pm,
at Thodupuzha in Kerala. 076:18 East, 09:59 North will she in MBBS profession

27-Nov-2014 04:21 AM

Comment My daughter : Mayuri Dutta
D.O.B. : 23.09.1998
Time : 10:47 am
Place : New Delhi

Will she professionally be a M.B.B.S . If no, then let me know her professional career.

Manik Kumar Dutta
30-Sep-2014 07:26 AM

Comment Idk much about this kind of astrology, but please help me in finding a profession. I wanted to know some indications of my career in astrology. And I want to become a physician someday. I have:

Stellium in the 8th House (aries): Conjunction of - Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Venus

6th House (aquarius & cap): Uranus Neptune and Jupiter

1st House (virgo): Inconjuncts the sun - Mars

9th House (taurus): MC and mercury

30-Aug-2014 14:17 PM

Comment my dob 19/4/1989, 6.30 am. I'm having a lot of problems in life. Moon sign virgo. Hasta nakastra. Kindly say what will be my future. I.e in 2014-2017.

04-Jul-2014 04:15 AM

Comment I have dropped this year. In 2013 i've got adm in bds but i left that seat. Will i be able to get mbbs seat this year. Scorpio lagna with jupiter ketu in 6 acc to lagna . Mars rahu in 12 . Moon in 8. Mercury venus sun in 11. Rahu and mars in 12. Plz tell

13-Apr-2014 08:15 AM

Comment born jan 12th.1973. 18_22pm. 071.37 w 33.2 S. which kind of medical specialty do I will select for the best result?

robert langley
26-Jan-2014 13:22 PM


29-Dec-2013 00:32 AM

Comment Born on 24th March 1975, 9:42 PM, Cuttack, Orissa. I am a doctor by profession. I want to a) do higher studies in form of phd and b) also join a medical college as teacher. Please tell me whether either or is possible.

09-Sep-2013 03:05 AM

Comment shree panditji,
dob 4.12.1981,alibag, 8.40am. Dhanu lagna nep, 2 ven.ketu.3 chandra, 8.rahu, 10 shani mangal kanya, 11 pluto-jup, 12 surya..budha..harshal.
What profession, where? Tried biz, failed. Always thought abt bldg industry, going abroad . Why? Do i hv future only abroad not in india?

amar patil
14-Dec-2012 11:21 AM

Comment hello guruji,
my lagna is dhanu and seventh & tenth house lord retro-merqury sit in lagna with i curently i m facing too bad time, in professional ,also social view, and marrige problem.pls give me solution.

29-Jul-2012 05:36 AM

Comment the relation of Rahu with fourth house or lord of fourth house indicate the medical profession. it is my practical experience I have seen in several horoscope
and found the same theory.

p n singh

prabhu nath singh
26-Apr-2012 10:16 AM

Comment the relation of Rahu with fourth house or lord of fourth house indicate the medical profession. it is my practical experience I have seen in several horoscope
and found the same theory.

p n singh

prabhu nath singh
26-Apr-2012 10:14 AM