Book Reviews

In Quest

Devi Nangrani’s poems complied under "In Quest ..."  are the expressions of genuinely and intensely experienced love, devotion and mystic relationship with the Divinity. She can hear the sound of silence even in the midst of the ‘Whirlpool of roaring waters’ the din and turmoil of worldly existence. She is aware of the ‘taste of love’ that takes hold of life, makes one give up freedom and accept its bondages. She is also aware that the soul will attain true freedom only after breaking away from the cage of this body, flying as a free bird. After going through her representative poems one feels convinced that the poet is no common human being but a sprit in quest of eternal peace. She intends to fly like a free bird singing on the perch in the woods of sanctuary ‘To fulfill the goal of life’.
She exhorts her soul to awake, radiate and create its own powerhouse of radiance. Devi has poignant perception of the minutest working of the mind,
When a single Thought precedes yet another clashes, cracks breaks leaving the turmoil of mind still to survive.”
Her faith in divinity is firm; hence, there is spontaneity in her feeling and expressions. The experiences recorded in most of her poems are those of a keen and sensitive observer. Some of the poems reveal her inner silence which slowly and gradually ravishes the reader of a world of beauty and ecstasy.

In a world which is plagued by cut-throat competition materialistic pursuit, Devi’s poetry breathes an air of pure divinity and rectitude. Her nomenclature ‘Devi’ is not a mere coincidence, its divine dispensation and destiny. 


More by :  Prof. Lakhbir Kaur

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