
Lokpal Bill

What India is witnessing today is reenctment of what happened in Egypt sometime back. Egypt wanted an Indian type of democracy. So people agitated.

In India we have a functional democracy which inspires countries around the world. But some institutions do not function with desirable probity. That is not the problem with the institutions but functionaries populating those institutions. Many people from clerk upwards, having obtained Government jobs, veritably think that they are some kind of jagirdars. Political parties come in power and go, but what can they do, when thesese veritable jagirdars do not change their mindset by realising that they are the servants of the people.

Lowest Quotation mechanism for work allotment is actually mis-utilised resulting in poor quality work. People get promotions, and therefore become more powerful in offices by pleasing bosses and not work performance, most of the time. So essentially questions of ethics and morality are the real issues that somehow has to be put in place. 
In my opinion the recent Anna syndrome is due to constant reporting in the press about Commonwealth Games, 2G 3G spectrum allotments and price rise. In my opinion an expanding economy cannot stop inflation. Hardships can be reduced if middle class pays lower income groups better remuneration for services obtained. Brazil saw high inflation. But the country has stabilised now because I believe that country had a wise trade unionist at the helm of affairs.
Now coming to the point, the current impasse can be got over in my personal opinion, by electing a wise man as lokayukt for every state by direct franchise. Only persons outside the ambit of political parties should be elected. Lokayukts of all states will then form a panel and sit in a Lokayukt Bhawan and recomment removal of any Governmental functionary or pass strictures on Non-Government institutions for Government to act upon every six months.
Meanwhile, a Lokayukt Commission like Election Commission should be put in place, whose secretariat should be raised through direct appointments by the Lokayukt Panel. This will require probably a constitutional ammendment whose responsibility our legislature has to take upon themselves. It is an idea that has come out of my mind. Let people add or subtract to this and come to a suitable conclusion. Let us come out of the current impasse.


More by :  Sharbaaniranjan Kundu

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