
You Must Know How to Swim ...

You're a Life Coach!

I almost went under water on hearing this.....was laughing so hard!
A comment made by a friend while swimming in a lake (she had a life jacket on while I didn't) made me think...of course that was after I had coughed up all the water I swallowed while laughing. 
And so I thought I should write something about what a Life Coach does.
For starters, we do not work anywhere near a swimming pool. Although knowing how to swim is a definite bonus anyway.
We also do not necessarily need to know how confused you were because your mom made you wear your sister’s hand-me-downs as a child – especially if you’re a guy. We’re more interested in knowing if you still wear them...
On a serious note, a Life Coach focuses on where you are right now and works WITH you to get you to where you want to be. You might wonder how that is possible to do when so many of your limiting beliefs about yourself and your life are deep rooted and the only way to get rid of them is to first dig into the past to get a better understanding.
With processes in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), it is not only possible but very effective – and that too in a matter of minutes. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay affects our body and behavior (programming).
Now when I heard this for the first time, I pooh-poohed it comparing it to one of those infomercials that promise a hot, sexy body in 10 days if you use their fat melting gadgets or pills or those ‘magic’ bracelets that make all your problems vanish if you wear it for 4 hours every day starting at 5:32am and 47 seconds.
Are you kidding? Instant results with NLP? Aren't we supposed to try and try for years until we turn blue in the face??
Nevertheless, all the skepticism aside, I decided to give it a shot And struck bulls eye! It actually works beautifully… if you are committed enough to want a change in your life. Because we all know people who love their misery and pain and are lost without it. Maybe the face in the mirror too. So only if you’re ready and willing, this is life-changing.
I had the opportunity to experience it with something as small as chocolate cravings. Haven’t touched Nutella since the last 6 months and lost cravings for my favourite Galaxy bar as well, something I couldn’t do without. I also continue to experience it in other areas of my life on a daily basis.
And a Life Coach using these techniques will be able to guide you through certain processes where you are able to clean-up your baggage and install goals to focus on.
So the next time you hear of a Life Coach, don’t reach for your swim suit.


More by :  Flawsome A

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