
Cricket chat with God!

Pandit couldn’t believe his eyes as God appeared before him.


“Came to grant you one wish” God said smilingly.


Pandit was totally nonplussed but slowly collected his thoughts.


“God please bless me to fulfill my long cherished desire to become a great cricketer,” Pandit blushed.


“Granted-You will become famous test cricket player and create world records”


“That is not fair God. How can one become famous when stands are empty most of the times? Also there is very low return on investment in test cricket format.” Pandit showed his disappointment.


“So what will make you happy?”


“Make it a combo deal like McDonalds. Bless me with success in combo pack which includes all formats of cricket.”


“Done but don’t get more greedy.”


“You are so generous my lord. Can I get my first break quickly?” Pandit could not contain his excitement.


“Your career will start from A …you will get the call for next series against Australia.”


“Be merciful my lord. Don’t make my dreams turn into nightmares.” Pandit was still in shivers and implored “Can’t it start with Z for a change say Zimbabwe 


God stood silent and stared at him with annoyance.


“Ok God, don’t get angry. As you wish I will start with Australian series only if it is played at home.  I can show whole world what I am truly capable of?”


God blessed him and was getting ready to leave.


“My benevolent lord, I am excited and also apprehensive of my future. Please let me know how long I will last in the cricket. ” Pandit was curious.


“Depends on with or without late night parties,” God threw a googly.


“God, it is all media exaggeration. Parties are not for fun but to develop social networking. Cricketer without presence in parties is like a hit film without an item number,” Pandit tried to amuse.


“At best ten years of play or 35 years of age which ever comes earlier,” God said light heartedly.


“Ok fine but then you have to assure me wider coverage in your manufactures warranty” Pandit tried to make his future more secure and safe.


“Ok the coverage will extend to just three special cases. Pick your choice.”


Pandit jumped in glee and bowed before God and rattled his three terms.


“First - Give immunity from any rotation policies

Second - Spare me from the wrath of any cruel coach

Last but not least - Save me from hanging by the former cricketers.”


God vanished saying “Now you are on your own in handling the love and hate affair with the merciless media. Good luck!”



More by :  Prasad Srikanti

Top | Humor

Views: 3632      Comments: 3

Comment Coming from Prasad garu, could'nt have expected any less. I wonder how you can have such a flair and I cannot even start, how much ever I try. Hope to read more of such articles.


Sai Chimalakonda
17-Jul-2012 11:56 AM

Comment Prasad, This is simply great! Thoroughly enjoyed reading a it is very timely and relevant. I expect more from your pen.

29-Feb-2012 09:44 AM

Comment Excellent article with very creative imagination with humor well incorporated. Congratulations to Prasad and expect many more such humorous stories to come.
Good Luck Prasad

27-Feb-2012 20:06 PM

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