
Process and End

I open a blank word document on my computer.  If I intend to write to the local authority disputing a parking penalty notice, the whole issue is referentially held in an instant form in my mind, on a wave of ‘now realisation’.  The initiation of the process of writing the letter is when I translate that intention into action; that the circumstances, place and time, available paper and printer, even my mood at the time, are such as avail and enable my starting and completing the letter.  When I commence to type the first word of my letter, it is meaningful in the now realisation I retain of the whole enactment form (in instant affective idea form).  I type the second word, again, as meaningful in the now realisation of what I have ultimately to say, and so on till the last word of the last sentence.  Only when this last word is typed can the enactment I retained in an instant affective idea form, on a wave of now realisation, be revealed in the now typed letter. When I post the letter, it is a symbol of the instantly summarised content retained in my mind as it clicks into the letter box.
When it is delivered, someone opens and commences to read the letter I have typed.  He will, prior to starting to read the letter, have a potential idea of its content, as an instant idea form on a wave of now realisation.  In other words, his effort of will in reading the letter is to grasp the meaning of it in the instant of comprehension of it that I had when I wrote it, which is filled in with referential clues in instant idea forms from what he reads.  In an effort to try to understand the letter as he proceeds, with the potential instant idea form of its content as a now realisation, he might read things into it which I had not intended to convey, informing his perception of it as a statement.  But if he would grasp my meaning at the end of reading the letter, it would be in the instant idea form of comprehension I had, of which the letter is a process of manifestation: he would perhaps say to himself, “Yes, I get it.” 
The retention of what I intended to say, as an instant affective idea form, made it the ‘now realisation’ of that letter, at every point in its execution. The reader, likewise, will tend to arrive at an instant affective idea form of what is understood from what I have written, from a potential expectation, or fail to arrive at this, whence he will be confused. Thus he might discern elements which I had perhaps overlooked or had not been aware of, and forming an instant affective idea form of a reply to me, then set about writing a letter to that effect, given the availability of resources to do so, which I, in turn, receiving it, would read with an instant affective idea form of potential understanding of it, where my views are affected or not by the points made in the letter.
Though the idea it develops is referentially retained in an instant affective idea form of enactment on a wave of now realisation, the typed letter takes a period of time to complete, which period is conveniently calibrated into idea form time intervals of minutes or fractions of an hour. By analogy, all contextual processes and activities are subject perceived and realised as instant affective idea form enactments, with a starting point and an end point, on a wave of a now realisation, which instant affective idea form enactment governs the process.
Conversely, an existing thing, perceived and referentially retained as an instant affective idea form, such as a word in a sentence, or a particular physical object in a context of existence, implies a now realisation governed process, subject retained as to instant idea form, in which it affectively acts and which explains its existence there. The now realisation governed process, as in the example of the letter, manifests the instant affective idea form held in subject affection of enactment, and thus manifests the presence of a subject enacting the process.
As with all affective processes to enactment, there is a contextual period of time availing that both sees their initiation and their completion. Also, a given affective idea form enactment is within the context of a greater affective idea form enactment. For example, the subject affective act ‘to write the letter’ is initiated and completed within the period of a day, which day period implies a greater enactment being worked out that accommodates millions of other acts, each an instant affective idea form in enactment.

Ultimately, all processes in now realisation within the whole act of existence are implicitly affective enactments of a primal subject enactment idea form, retained in instant affective idea form, which is in process of being affectively enacted, and which all affective enactments are integral to.  It is the affective process of the primal subject enactment held in instant affective idea form that the whole of existence constitutes on a wave of now realisation; in which all deemed to be non-subject processes, such as cosmological and processes of earth movement and weather patterns, as well as those processes enacted by life form subjects from idea forms completed in actions, are included.
The observed universal process, in which all things by virtue of existing are participant, is held as an instant affective idea form in the now realisation of the creative principle in affection and will of enactment of its end. Given the vast scale of the observed created existence, and all the affective processes observed at any one time, it is the creative principle’s now realisation of affective idea form as its end that is being resolved at every moment, or else none of it would exist; and when the affective idea form end in the now realisation of the creative principle is resolved, the process will stop, time as the idea form measure of duration will also stop, as being functional to the affective process to resolution.

Finally, identity is rightness realisation, and the process of its manifestation is a rightness realising process where every word or thing is rightness realised in that context.  In the vast creative process, then, we see a rightness realising process in which all things achieve their identity as contextually defined rightness realisation. The idea form realisation that is retained by the creative principle as the now realisation of the creative process is rightness as the divine identity, in affection of manifestation of which is the creative process. This is verified by the contextual rightness realisation that determines all forms of existence, their conceptual nature as identities in the realisation of life forms. The end of the creative process is thus, and can only be a manifestation of the divine rightness, or Rightness; manifested, in Christian theology, in Jesus Christ, referred to therein as 'the Sun of Righteousness'.


More by :  R. D. Ashby

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