
Democracy of Anarchy?

Three independent news items make us wonder whether we live in a land of law and order or a completely chaotic society. 

In Chennai city, an auto driver who had lived beyond his income had borrowed loan from a woman loan shark and unable to bear her torture had committed suicide. Immediately, the locality people created a ruckus and demonstrated a road block and made the traffic impossible for the public. In which way public are responsible for an individual’s misdemeanor? And how and why the public should be taken to ransom for some insignificant citizen’s self destruction? 

Through continuous threat and agitations one Udayakumar who claims to be championing for the cause of the fishermen and people living around the place Indinthakarai has been successfully halting the operation of Koodangulam Nuclear Power Plant for the past several months. Surprisingly, no amount of explanations on the inherent safety built-up on the plant or promises could appease him. More shockingly, both the center and the state governments are keeping mum and he keeps moving around Tamil Nadu with impunity which is reeling under acute power crisis. There are hundreds of FIRs filed on him in cold storage and he has not been arrested for causing greatest public nuisance and heavy financial loss to the government. 

The Union Railway Minister on submission of the railway budget is badgered by his party leader of the coalition government to roll back the price hike which has been brought after 9 long years or resign from the post; the honorable Prime Minister is as usual maintaining stoic silence notwithstanding the fact that he must be aware of the limitations of the constitution of India. 

Looking at all these, it looks that India is the best place for anyone to do crazy and weird activities and also get away with it in the name of freedom of expression and democracy. 

But, truly what is happening in the name of democracy is nothing but anarchy!  


More by :  Devavratan Kaundinya

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