
Quick sambar recipe


Coconut gratings: ½ cup
Puffed chana dal: ½ cup.
Onions: 3 medium sized, longitudinally sliced.
Curry leaves : 15 to 20
Tomato : large, 4 in number, chopped finely
Tamarind juice : 2 tea spoon
Jaggery: grated 2 tea spoons.
Mysore sambar powder : 4 tea spoons
Mustard : ½ tea spoon
Asafetida :1 pinch Turmeric: ¼ tea spoon
Salt to taste
Water: Quantity required.
Cooking oil – 1 table spoon
Coriander leaves: finely chopped ¼ cup

Heat a thick bottomed vessel on stove. Pour recommended quantity of cooking oil to vessel. Add mustard seeds to heated oil. When these seeds crackle add curry leaves , turmeric and asafetida. Add sliced onion and fry well till they lose their rawness. Add chopped tomatoes and mix well. Close a lid and allow tomatoes to become soft. Meanwhile grind coconut gratings, sambar powder, puffed chana dal and 2 tea spoons of chopped coriander leaves to a smooth paste in a blender. Add water to make the paste smooth. Transfer this paste to cooked tomato and onion mixture. Stir well. Allow this to boil.
Add water to get the consistency of sambar as the mixture becomes thick immediately. 
Add tamrind juice and jaggery. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with idli, dosa or vada.

Coconuts are rich in lauric acid. Lauric acid is known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Coconuts help to boost immune system. Coconuts and coconut oil help to lose weight and reduce risk of heart diseases. It helps to lower cholesterol and help in chronic fatigue. The health condition of persons who suffer from diabetes improve with the use of coconut. The coconut oil helps to rejuvenate skin and prevents wrinkles.

Onion help to rejuvenate liver, normalize digestion, relieve constipation and increase appetite. Hence it is very beneficial in piles (hemorrhoids), constipation, jaundice and indigestion. White onions are recommended in bleeding disorders to reduce bleeding. Hence it is used in conditions like bleeding piles and bleeding through nose. Onions are used in home remedies to reduce cough. Onion and its seeds are known to help in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male infertility. It helps to increase libido, quality and quantity of semen. It is a very good vajikara. It helps to reduce itching on skin.
Recent studies have shown that tomatoes are good for cancer prevention. Regular consumption of tomatoes help to prevent cancers of lung, prostate, stomach, cervical, breast, oral, colorectal, esophageal, pancreatic, etc.Tomato is also good for liver health. Tomato has detoxification effect in the body. Tomato juice acts as a good rejuvenating and energy drink. It reduces the risks of cardio vascular diseases. Red and ripe tomatoes act as powerful antioxidants.


More by :  Dr. Savitha Suri

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