
Yes Prime Minister...

My friend was in a visibly irksome mood. When asked what the matter was, he simply scowled. You see he is a very busy officer in a govt, department, and apart from this he is an activist, both online and offline. Nowadays online activism, advocacy for causes, as we all know is a very popular activity. I call it armchair activism.

I often write about this friend of mine, because I find him very interesting, moreover all latest developments, political, social, noble, ignoble are at his long finger tips.

I asked him politely whether I was disturbing him. He scowled and said no, with an emphatic brevity. No, I told him since he was scanning the newspaper intently, maybe I should come later. No he said. The only problem he continued with gusto was that in newspapers that 'continued in page ten column five', was darned irritating. Exactly I replied - that is why I never complete reading a newspaper, I exclaimed. He seemed happy at such consensus.

So what is the news, he asked. My reply was that PM had become the President of this great Nation. What, he thundered, spluttered... Calm down, I told him. A Kolkata based newspaper dramatically announced this, meaning of course that Pranab Da had become the President. He looked relieved.

He is going to be a political President, he declared.

I politely inquired as to what he meant by this ambiguous statement. That is what the newspapers say he said, wasn't I reading them? The same problem, I said, turn to 'page ten column, one two, three'. That is why I never get to finish reading a newspaper!  He laughed, looked relieved; read newspapers he advised.

Suddenly my friend turned serious. It is a conspiracy that is hatched, he muttered. What, I asked innocently. Can't you see he said, getting out PM from active politics was a ploy, so that the path for the PM would be clear for RG.

By now I was thoroughly confused.

What, PM? I asked. Pranab Mukherjee for the Prime Minister's post he said. Yes, PM I said and beat a hasty retreat!


More by :  Ananya S Guha

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