Random Thoughts

Purpose of Life

I have always believed that when your heart tells you something and mind points somewhere else one can blindly rely on the GUT feeling. For example I knew in my GUT feeling whenever my relationships needed help. It came through observing my behavior and that of my partner. In the end you, you know it is based on how you feel. I could feel distant, insecure, no longer desirable, unloved and sometimes I would second guess my partners motives and actions. This all hinted at loss of trust and loss of belief that my partner is incapable of being my soul mate. I could no longer speak my mind and heart for the fear of delusion. Sometimes the writing is on the wall that things are fizzling out. One can often fix a relationship that may have become stale; but it requires work and commitment on both sides.
The commonest indicator that things are over is that neither of the partners is interested or committed to make necessary changes that safeguard a relationship from threats. Believe me; most of these threats are small but intrinsic.
Honesty is not always a good policy but when it comes to lovers and life partners, it works amazingly. When you take a lead and ask your partner about how things are then you make them realize that maybe things aren’t great anymore, which is the root cause analysis and corrective action at the same time.

“The only person you can change is yourself. Learn to accept others as they are or move on.”


More by :  Ramandeep Sidhu

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