Book Reviews

Dreams, Ideas and Realities by TA Ramesh

Reviews by Mark Sykes & others

These are very moving and sincere poems which would bring a new insight and a sharing of experience to the reader.
They are melodic, well structured and essentially meaningful verses that make, in each poem, one emotional and intellectual statement and make it convincingly. The verse marches confidently and successfully across the page. The collection has a powerful unity as a book.
There is a feeling of straightforward, shared experience that is meaningfully communicated to the reader. While the audience for fine new verse is selective, it is a considerable constituency, and one which is not too difficult to access through the many magazines throughout the English speaking world which are prepared to review new work and recommend it to their readerships. To select one piece of work is perhaps invidious, among so much quality, but one of my own favourites was Nine and One Nights, which really made its point, intellectually and poetically.
It has been rewarding to encounter the work of T.A. Ramesh; we believe that this author would have a significant chance of making a mark, and in particular of finding favour with both the Indian and the western reading publics. It is the fusion of cultures that broadens horizons and perspectives.

Inspired, ruminating, contemplative, these verses say it all. Be it the vagaries of life, a paean to God, the poet speaks from the heart when he pens his thoughts and feelings.
T A Ramesh’s poems portray the angst in individuals struggling to eke out an existence; they are a cry of the inner soul for deliverance. Here we find optimism and pessimism fighting for supremacy, when the poet is in the doldrums of despair, or in heights of ecstasy.
Modern in style and novel in manner, Dreams, Ideas and Realities,  ISBN 817662067X is one of its kind.
Mark Sykes, Editor-in-Chief, Minerva Press, India.
Another Review:

Writing has of late become a full-time business of many a person and T.A. Ramesh is one of them. He chose this profession “in order to analyse all matters concerning human life, bringing out the best things and truth in them and suggesting solutions for all the problems.”

The book under review is a collection of poems that he penned over a long span of 20 years. The poems contained are inspiring, thought-provoking and absorbing. Even if one fails to understand the message of the poet, one cannot help enjoying the literary pieces because a major feature of poetry is to give pleasure to the readers. And the anthology does not fall short of this expectation.

The poet has dwelt on a wide range of subjects and he has spoken from the heart. The changing moods of individuals as they struggle to earn their livelihood have been well captured. A good example of the conflict between optimism and pessimism.

Following in the footsteps of Wordsworth, T.A. Ramesh has used conversational language to communicate his ideas, feelings and images. However, this has not been accomplished at the expense of rhythm and rhyme. Thus, the frequent use of free verse or blank verse. - ALIVE magazine, India


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