
Wonders of Science

Life without science is not imaginable. Science has made our life easy and comfortable. Science plays an important role in our daily life.

Science is nothing but a systematic way of knowledge and living. We depend on science in our day-to-day activity. As it makes our work faster and easier.

Means of Communication like buses, cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes are the greatest contribution of science. Man can reach any part of the world within hours.

Science has not only cured man from terrible diseases, it has lengthened his age and made him healthier as well. Science has controlled incurable diseases like T.B., leprosy and cancer too.

Computers are the great and wonderful inventions of science. Thus, life without the contribution of science is unimaginable. 


More by :  Aniket Mohapatra

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Comment good!! ANIKET

09-Dec-2015 14:32 PM

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