
The Capacitor Theory

This theory is concerned with the nature of karma, a Hindu concept based on cause and effect. We are used to hearing of karma in terms of good and bad but this is a misconception. Good and bad are concepts unique to our situation and based solely on survival in this world; that which promotes survival is considered to be good and that which threatens it is considered bad. Certainly we can attach ideas of good and bad to it but it has nothing to do with the nature of karma itself, the soul will always survive. Karma is desire; the force of life. Those desires that caused us to exist. To consider karma in terms of good and bad confuses the issue, inhibits our ability to pursue Dharma, that state of perfect oneness with That which is All.

It is desire that has created us and we have created the universe that we may exercise choice, that we may satisfy those desires. We all have desires; some simple others impossibly complex, and we have come to attach judgment to the idea of desire. In the western world we assume sex to be the root of desire but this is foolish. Sex is only one, and a very small one, aspect of desire. One may even assume that it is not desire at all. It is rooted in hormones and bodily functions outside of conscious control and consequently not subject to free will, and desire is exclusively an aspect of free will, an integral part of the process that generates us; creates us, or rather creates our physical body, our person that carries a name. Karma is inextricably bound to free will. It is desire that made us! Not the desires of another but our own desires, or rather the desires of our predecessor. One might even assume that that is what our soul is; a conglomerate of desires unfulfilled, but really our soul is that aspect of us that is God, our being is those desires that keep us separate from Him until they are fulfilled. 

In our life we accrete desires in our quest for being, a being, in aspect separate from the Universal Being, though nothing can truly separate from That Indivisible One. Some of these desires we satisfy and some we cannot satisfy due to many things, but when, in this life we have passed all possibility of satisfying any more of our desires, we die and these desires which we have not satisfied are set free and collect in another place that is not this universe. I compare that place to an electrical capacitor; a device that holds an electric charge until something releases it. If you have ever worked with a photo flash unit you have experienced the action of a capacitor. The battery in that unit can deliver little electricity if attached directly to a light bulb, but if it is used to feed a capacitor which stores the charge it can release a massive jolt for the tiniest part of a second that sets off the flash much brighter than the battery would seem to provide. That place, that other place that is not this universe is capable of holding desires, a seemingly small force, and when it is full releasing that force in one single burst that becomes a being. That being is not the one who provided the desires that made it, but unique, able to create and sustain a person or being where these desires can be satisfied. The person or being is the carrier of desires and at death releases those desires, like the electrons in a circuit, that creates a new person to continue the task of exhausting those desires that gave it being, that keep it, in our perceptions, separate from the One. One might surmise that if that person led a perfect life all desire would be exhausted and at death there would be nothing to generate another life, and it would be like the Buddha, it would be finished. But who among us can be so perfect? Who among us can be so in communication with the soul to know just what desires to pursue and to have the courage to do so?

We all chase after what we want but usually lack the courage to simply harvest all that we desire and we settle for part, or simply wimp out and do without, often amassing more desires than those we had when we began. Perhaps then, with our death not one but two or even more persons will be generated, each with the exact amount of desire that can be satisfied by that one life, in a being perfectly made for that purpose. In this case the soul would be one in each of these persons, yet perhaps somehow connected to each other, which may explain the affinity we find with those that are strangers but seem to be known to us in some way inexplicable. Or perhaps we will generate a being like Alexander who spent thirty-two years satisfying colossal desires and burning out or going who knows where. 

Then we can consider the aspect of one who dies leaving only the tiniest bequest of desires; not enough to actually generate a life, or perhaps only a very short life. We know of infant deaths, perhaps these are beings whose inheritance of desire was entirely satisfied by only days or months of life and there was no longer a reason for them to live, they die a true Buddha and we should rejoice in their passing. We consider death a loss but for these it is entirely a gain and in truth death is a gain for all of us; we are able to give that life that we have used, not fully but have passed the opportunity to complete and can give it into a new being that may finish what we started or rather what started us.

Another possibility of one who dies with scant desires would be that these desires simply go to feed that super-capacitor which is then added to by another's death to eventually spark a new life. From my own perceptions these two beings need not arrive at death at the same instant, the desires seem to be held for a time, if one can infer time in this dimension, and join with another that is complementary to those already there. So then the person so generated would be powered by the desires of two or more different souls. There is another possibility that the two or more may not be complementary. Perhaps this is the origin of schizophrenia, when two conflicting desires are housed in the same person, or perhaps even three or more. Little is understood about this condition and the way of treating it is to take away the persons drive to satisfy desires, to make them comatose to their being. It is possible that there would be drugs that could selectively suppress one persona allowing the other or others to dominate. Alcohol may be one of these drugs, or nicotine. I find that alcohol frees my verbal abilities while putting to rest my graphic sensibilities. Of the two most recent incarnations that I house, one a poet and the other a guru, the guru has currently been at rest for several years allowing another persona from a very long time ago to come forth. This particular persona is largely concerned with artistic form and color, aided by the original being the tool man, Vishwakarma, that primordial incarnation from the I AM.

At any one moment in time there are many people dying; at the current population about 180,000 people die every day, that's about two every second and the birthrate slightly exceeds that amount. As a race we are probably not exhausting desire but actually increasing it; no surprise with the number of people employed in advertising. Add to this the influences of parental desires grafted on to their offspring and also the hype attached to nationalism which seems to be the opposite of desire, rejection, hate. Just as a penny has two sides desire has its tail side; hatred, no different but only with a different face.

From all this one would think that to exhaust desire would lead us to death and this is no doubt true, but this would be a death to celebrate. I can think of no greater joy than to die leaving nothing undone in my life. This is a life of striving and to go to a place without strife, where all desire has been satisfied seems to me the greatest good. A state where one has united self with that Universal Self that is All Being where good and bad no longer have place, where desire is itself being. Where our being is but the I Am!

So then we come to the matter of good and bad karma. If, as I've postulated, we would die leaving no desires unsatisfied we must then pursue that which powers us with the greatest dedication possible. There are desires in us that society would not find laudable but they cannot be denied if we are to satisfy all. We must understand the judgment of society but with courage put it aside and pursue that which drives us. Religion would have us repress those desires that lead to social chaos but this would be to give the world much more than its due. This world has only one purpose in being; it is the vehicle that we have made to complete our fate. We have made it, and we must honor it by using it fully.

We should consider that all desire is desire for God. God in his ultimate Being is love and since there is nothing but God, that love is the Love of God for God. Those who reject the Christian format will please excuse the use of the capital letters but understand that we must in this life work with names and the Spirit, Allah, The Buddhist Great Unmanifest, Ahura Mazda or whatever we call That which lies at the heart of our being is that Love which transcends all being. Those bodily functions which we label as lust or sloth or gluttony or greed are but attempts to reach that ultimate state of Being which we hold at our core, our soul. Or more correctly our soul which is at our core holds us. If our life force leads us to seek satisfaction in what society forbids or deplores we must take our courage; our heart, in hand, and finish it. Pity the poor soul whose desires lead him to the most unsavory or horrid actions, but do not condemn him, for there, but for the Grace of God, go each of us. Be thankful that those desires that power our being offend only slightly our sensibilities.

He who finds himself driven by desires which offend his senses needs to look deep into himself and find where those desires live and how they can be Desire for God., for in truth they are that. He must find that love within his being that is God within him. We cannot entertain desires which interfere with the free will of others though such desires are common in our society. How such desires can be the force that drives a person or a soul must be found and understood. Perhaps this is the Christian idea of Satan or demons or evil but I sincerely doubt it. More, it is the denial of desires that are right and good that twist a person, that leads a person into hatred and condemns him to an ever repeating pattern of lives that continue until that person can somehow find the tool that turns over the coin to the positive side. A soul which is God within us cannot be evil but it can be twisted and tortured into the pursuit of evil.

Religion, faith, ideals are all systems that are built on a consensus of teachings that we have gotten from others. They are grafted on to that force which created our being. They have come from our parents or our teachers or simply our fears but they have little to do with the great quest that powers our being. Most usually they are the social influences that attempt to make our society controllable, often the result of others in pursuit of their own karma, their own desires, to whose advantage it is that our actions be predictable that they may achieve their own desires. Understand that these souls are ethereal; your own creation, there to assist in your path, though often they would appear to dissuade you from that path, this only to strengthen your momentum on that path. Here I suggest what all our senses deny, that we are all that is, that all around is just a shadow that we have created to assist us in our separate being. Like a drop of water thrown up in the surf by the ocean that is the Eternal we have created an atmosphere of separateness until we can fall back into the Eternal, united with the One that is All that is. We have not sought this separateness but we exist in it, having form and substance of which the Eternal has no need, but only an inevitable consequence of non-being that results from that one fact of 'I AM'.   


More by :  Jack Bischke

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