
Dev Objects to Guide Remake

Evergreen Dev Anand is miffed about reports of Pritish Nandy Communication's remake plans of Guide. He registers his objection through a letter to the producer. A copy is reproduced exclusively for the discerning Boloji reader Navketan International Films
42, Pali Hill, Zig-Zag Rd.,
Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050

March 1, 206

Mr. Pritish Nandy,
Pritish Nandy Communications,
87/88, 8th floor, Mittal Chambers,
Nariman Point,Mumbai 400 021.

Dear Pritish,
My attention is drawn to the recent press reports in Midday (issue dated 25/02/06, and The Asian Age (issue dated 1/03/06) that you are attempting to remake the feature film "Guide" produced by me in 1965 as "Rahgir"/Rehguzar" featuring Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan in the main leads and to be directed by Rituparna Ghosh. These reports have disturbed me no end.

I must inform you that Rituparna Ghosh in an earlier meeting with me, had expressed his desire to remake "Guide". I had categorically opposed and objected to the idea, then. Please be aware that the sole and exclusive copyrights of the feature film "Guide" vest in my company including the filming rights of the original novel "The Guide" written by R K Narayan.

Though in your personal statements you are denying that your new film (tentatively titled "Rahgir/Rehguzar") is a remake of "Guide", it is obvious from the press stories that you are taking advantage of the reputation of my film "Guide" to seek a strong commercial and aesthetic platform to promote your new film. Besides, as Rituparna Ghosh is directing the film, I am inclined to believe that you are actually remaking "Guide".

If any one has the right to remake "Guide" it is only my production Company. Even my Company has taken a conscious decision not to remake "Guide" as I sincerely believe at the risk of sounding immodest, that "classics" cannot be remade I am writing this letter to you urging you to refrain from mentioning my name and/or the name of my film "Guide" in any of the press stories and more importantly also from remaking "Guide". Please be informed that I reserve the rights to claim appropriate damages from you for dragging the name of my film "Guide" in your press stories, for your commercial gains.

Lastly, in spite of this letter, should you chose to continue to use the name of my film "Guide" and/or even attempt to remake "Guide", I am determined to pursue and enforce my rights and seek necessary recovery/damages from appropriate forums, besides instituting appropriate legal proceedings against you/your company, for infringement of my copyrights and all other rights, the consequences and costs of which shall be solely attributed to you. I sincerely trust you will not push me to take this extreme step.

Affectionately yours,

Navketan International Films,
Dev Anand
c.c. to:- The Film Producers' Guild of India, Mumbai.


Pritish Nandy Clarifies:
Pritish Nandy, in an exlusive interview to M H Ahsan clears the air –

What is your response to the letter of discontent sent to you 
by Mr Dev Anand?

The answer is written in his letter, please refer to para no. 3 of the said letter in which he himself clearly says that I have denied that our film is not a remake of Guide. I will really appreciate if he will not waste his time and mine in writing these letters.

He also points out that by not denying false media reports you are trying to get a mileage for your forthcoming production?
What sort of mileage would I get out of such reports? It has been my policy not to respond to media reports unless I have something concrete to say. Otherwise, the media has it's own agenda and i have mine.

Have you signed Akshay Kumar and Vidya Balan for your forthcoming venture?
Akshay Kumar has been signed and Vidya Balan is yet to be confirmed.

Is the proposed venture titled Rahgir?
Yes, that is the working title.

Does the storyline bear any resemblance to Guide?
It is a infidelity tale and no one has the copyright to same.    


More by :  M. H. Ahsan

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