
Marriage, Dowry, Death

Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent. Parents of the girl believe that the groom will always take care of their daughter and treat her like a princess. But one word ruins all the dreams and that is ‘Dowry’. It is a payment of cash or gifts from the bride's family to the bridegroom's family upon marriage. Though in India Payment of dowry is now prohibited under ‘The 1961 Dowry Prohibition Act’ in Indian civil law and subsequently by Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian panel court (IPC). But this never ended and by the passing time this greediness increased to its high level.
‘Gurgaon CJM booked for murder of his wife’ this news shocked all of us. His wife was found dead with three bullet injuries and the weapon belongs to him. Later her parents informed that she was continuously being tortured by him and his parents for dowry. Dowry deaths are becoming very common today. Even high reputed people, who should fight against it, are following it.
Most dowry deaths occur when the young woman, unable to bear the harassment and torture, commits suicide. Most of these suicides are by hanging, poisoning or by fire. Sometimes the woman is killed by setting her on fire; this is known as “bride burning”, and sometimes disguised as suicide or accident.
According to Indian National Crime Record Bureau, in 2010, 8391 dowry death cases were reported across India, meaning a bride was burned every 90 minutes. According to Indian police, every year it receives over 2,500 reports of bride-burning. The Indian National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports that there were about 8172 dowry death cases registered in India in 2008. Incidents of dowry deaths during the year 2008 (8172) have increased by 14.4 per cent over 1998 level (7146). The accuracy of these figures has received a great deal of scrutiny from critics who believe dowry deaths are consistently under-reported.
According to these statistics woman is not even safe in her own house. A home which she makes with her dreams, desires, love, passion, becomes her tomb just because she and her family cannot fulfill the illegal demands of her in laws.
This greed should be ended. Government should have to take some strict actions towards this social crime.


More by :  Pooja Sharma

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Views: 3580      Comments: 3

Comment please give full and complete latest date regarding death of women by means of fire or burning .

Dr. Ranjan Parashar
16-Oct-2013 01:06 AM

Comment Kudos...Good Job Done...

04-Aug-2013 07:37 AM

Comment Very well thought out article.. kudos Pooja.. You would do better in focusing on the women issues.. Your write up is superb. Want from you more articles.

31-Jul-2013 22:10 PM

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