Random Thoughts

My Lap Top

For the last few days my lap top has not been with me, but it is in a repair shop. Somehow the screen developed blotches, black blobs, on it, and they were growing in size like the ugly disease. So I took it to a repair shop who promised me to replace it for $200.00. That was bad enough, but I am telling you the sheer withdrawal from the addiction to the lap top has been something else. I can feel the trauma of Alcoholics and Dope and Tobacco and Coffee addicted persons − as I missed my Lap top. Every turn of the “seconds’ hand” on my wall clock − I wanted my lap top and it was not there.

Lucky for me the NFL is on , that worked like a nicotine patch and exactly like that, after the game was over, I felt exactly like a smoker would feel after the effect of the patch was gone, − I was still looking for my Laptop. I guess the patch does not do much, to eliminate the addiction. But for me the first game between the Denver “Broncos” and the Baltimore “Ravens” was excellent. The Denver team, led by their quarterback Payton Manning made a spectacle of the Raven’s defense, he scored seven touchdowns − seven touchdowns in one game is a record and the way he did it was just enjoyable and for quite some time it took my mind away from the Laptop.

Payton is 37 years old and Raven's quarterback is only 23. What a great example for us with an old body and, yet a lot of spunk, to know it can be done and done very convincingly. It was just enjoyable.

Coming back to my computer − I just could not hold back, and just like an Alcoholic, asked for dough from my spouse, and she obliged and I got a large screen one in all computer from Costco, not knowing that Windows 8 will be such a turn off − like giving milk instead of single malt to one who is looking for a single malt. Windows 8 is only milk toast and not the Tequila one is promised. I am still working at it and who knows, after a lot of suffering, may like milk after all. First of all there is no start button; secondly nothing is intuitive about it. I still do not know how to open my e-mail and how to add Google to my screen, forget how to delete anything. Somehow I found, on this new computer, this “Microsoft Word” software thing and started to type about my predicament, so I can send it to you − looking for sympathy − knowing full well you will have none.

Well today is Friday and tomorrow I will watch several college football games, and on Sunday there will be Games Galore on the NFL channel. I am going to watch the Dallas “Cowboys” game − being a semi Dallasite and Texan, having lived in Dallas for twenty years − I still have a soft corner for the “Cowboys” and will watch the game on Sunday night opener that the Cowboys are playing against the NY “Giants” − and so you know, I care two hoots for the NY “Giants”. The Giants have been going to Dallas for the last three years and making mincemeat of the Cowboys every year. This year is going to be different − I think. But if not I will have another slip down the misery lane missing my Laptop and I will come back to this ugly milk toast − the Windows 8, like going to Alcoholics Anonymous.

There is something about us humans − we have changed the basic ways to remain busy − which is what humans need. I admire my friend in Texas the Carlsons − who keep themselves busy working the farm − mending the barbed wire fences, riding horse, hunting for Elk in the mountains of Colorado, building deer stands and best of all listening to the Bluegrass music.

And me I am addicted to the silly Laptop. What a contrast in life style. I write they ride, I search they hunt, I read they listen to the Bluegrass music. For me the internet provides an addiction that I enjoy and for them it is their farm. But then farming is not unlike exploring the Internet − one gets what one sows, good or bad; happy or sad. Luckily I have my friends, from who I have learned to look only for what is Good and Spiritual and enjoyable; and like a good farmer I get to write, with love in my heart, and it generally comes out good − like a potato ready for baking and eating.

I am addicted and am missing my Laptop − so are they − and they also wait for the fall to come in, so they can build their Deer Stands and go hunting − it is just as addictive as the “Cowboys” game for me and I miss being in Dallas in the fall and am looking for a whooping to be given to the “Giants this year − but that Tony Romo − well he is good one day and not sure the other!!!
It is all Ha Ha − have fun. Send your comments − that will keep me coming back to this milk toast I got and may be, just maybe I will not miss my Tequila − the Lap top.

What if my TV conks out? That surely will be a disaster. Come to think of it, maybe − I should take up farming − just like all our ancestors did and my good friends in Texas still do.


More by :  Kamal (Kam) Joshi

Top | Random Thoughts

Views: 3530      Comments: 1

Comment Well, I can appreciate your trauma-because during this period I also faced a similar situation. Albeit, my laptop was fine, but the power cuts were too many and the battery of the laptop had conked off, almost after it was borne some three and half years ago! Therefore, to run it I need a 24X7 power. But let me tell you for a 'Laptopolic' similar to an alcoholic, these power cuts are a boon. They try to keep us off addiction. But addiction is like a true romance, it never goes off from the mind.
And to make the matters worse for me the TV also conked off.
The delay in commenting on your this masterpiece, is because of the 'twin failures.
Keep writing, such pieces are like an oasis in the desert of life. Cheers.

08-Sep-2013 23:08 PM

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