
Adventures of Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo was a bright purple engine with a yellow whistle and shiny black wheels. He was very proud of his whistle. His whistle had a sweet melody which went like “Yoodley hee yoodle hee” whenever he puffed on the track. He was called “Chugga” by all the other engines. His best friend’s name was Creaky. Creaky was a yellow coloured engine with a crane attached on his head. He called it his “crown”.  He had a bell instead of a whistle. His bell made a loud “Ding Dong” sound whenever he was called for a rescue mission.
One day Chugga Chugga Choo Choo was puffing down the railway track to Toot Toot station when he heard Creaky rumbling by,” Out of my way” bellowed Creaky. Rumble, rumble…Rattle, rattle…Ding dong went his bell. Chugga moved to a side “Hey Chugga, am in a hurry, see you later”, Creaky called out and rumbled down the tracks. “Wait, wait, Creaky, what’s the matter?”, asked Chugga Chugga Choo Choo. “Cementy is in trouble. He is stuck in Muddy Waters”, replied Creaky. Cementy was a cement mixer engine. He was brown in colour with a big round stomach that he used for mixing cement. “Muddy Waters!” exclaimed Chugga, “Oh No! That’s awful. I have heard about Muddy Waters, they say it is an eerie place”. “Do you want to come with me; it will be an adventure”, said Creaky. “Yes, yes”, said Chugga,” I’d like that. Am always ready for an adventure”
So off they went to Muddy Waters.   

Muddy Waters was at the end of the longest tunnel. It was a quaint little station situated near a swamp. The swamp was slushy with dirty muddy green water. It was surrounded by thick bushes with some wild flowers growing on them. “So that’s why they call it Muddy Waters”, said Chugga to himself.
Chugga was surprised to see very few people waiting at the station. He thought to himself, “Why are they wearing raincoats and thick boots…”And then he chuckled, “to save themselves from the slushy water, hahaha”. “Ugh! This place stinks,” said Chugga. “Shush...” said Creaky. ‘Listen….” Then they heard a cry, “Help…..Help….Aaah…..” “That must be Cementy”, said Creaky. “It’s coming from the swamp, he must have toppled over.” “Hang on Cementy, I’ll throw my crane to you”, Creaky called out to Cementy.

Creaky huffed and puffed but Cementy wouldn’t move. He cried out in pain, “Oh No! Am going to be stuck here forever....Ouch! My sides hurt; the thorny shrubs are poking into me…” “Hey, Chugga, I need your help, pull me from behind”, said Creaky. So Chugga Chugga Choo Choo buckled up behind Creaky and pulled him with all his might. And then with a heave and a ho and one mighty tug, Creaky hauled Cementy back onto the track. “Yay”, Chugga squealed, “You did it, Creaky. Hooray”. “Thank you Creaky, thank you Chugga”, said Cementy. “You smell awful, Cementy, you need a good long bath.” “Hahaha”, laughed Creaky, Cementy and Chugga Chugga Choo Choo.
And they all chugged back to Toot Toot station.


More by :  Tanu Pant

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