Random Thoughts

The Travails of Writers!

The writers and poets all over the world are suffering from unwritten censorship implemented by terrorists, zealots of - religion, region, caste, community, gender- like historical and natural divisions. 
These self-appointed individuals and champions, who are fanatic to the core, are policing the writers and poets through the globe and are restricting the choices of the creativity and freedom and right of expression.
And when these gentlemen/women writers write anything criticizing  the perpetrators of these divisions for personal and selfish interests and create a vested interest in these divisions; they are reacting wildly, violently and inhumanly against these civilized counselors. 
And when pictured by these responsible citizens, even genuinely exercising writer's democratic right of expressing cultured, civilized opinions; on how these vested interests are playing havoc with the lives of the citizens, by the dastardly nature of the utterances and actions in the name of this division or that division, by these fundamentalists of not only religion, but of region, caste, community, language, sub-
nationality, they are becoming ferocious and are attacking the writers and are even physically eliminating them.
All most all democratic governments have become hand in glove with these  anti-social, anti-national and anti-human criminals and are consciously or otherwise are allowing them to destroy the fabrics of culture and civilization.
Very sad state of affairs!!


More by :  Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam

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