Book Reviews

The Tale of Two Hearts

‘The One You Cannot Have’ by Preeti Shenoy; Westland Ltd., Rs.200, pp.270
Does life is a bed of roses for all? Perhaps, not; every individual yearns for the one he/she cannot have’ notwithstanding the several other benefits in the life.
The latest love story of Preeti Shenoy titled ‘The One You Cannot Have’ takes the reader the life journeys of three main characters, Aman Mathur, Shruti Srinivasan and Anjali Prabhu. They are young, modern, happy, open minded and full of dreams. But, something happens and everything goes for a toss for Aman and Shruti and they part ways. Who and what is responsible?
With a broken heart and unable to forget Shruti, Aman leaves India. But, he cannot put behind the wonderful days he had spent with Shruti. They haunt him again strongly after he spent two years in UK and about to return to India. Shruti, apparently happily married to Rishabh, too is disturbed with her past she spent with her Aman. Time and days do not remain the same. While Aman after his return trying to come out of his broken relationship, Shruti’s marriage turns sour as Rishabh accidently comes to know of her past.
Anjali befriends Aman and their friendship is slowly blossoming into love and there Shruti’s life turning into hell and she has to search and find Aman for a dénouement. What happens in the end?
There are other characters who keep the story moving with their roles played supportive to the main protagonists. Vikram and Dipika, Sriram and Latika, Sanjeev Adani, Asha and Mark, emerge as interesting cameos in propelling the novel. One gets the glimpses of Norwich, Bangalore and Mumbai as the story revolves mainly around these three places.
Preeti Shenoy’s down to earth narrative is the back bone of the novel. She stirs the emotions with her simple yet powerful words. If you have a heart, if you have experienced love, if you are empathetic Preeti’s writing will make your eyes moist in many places while reading. If someone has not cried while reading this book should be a person who is either completely philosophical or callous.
It is, after all, human emotions that make the life of everyone of us. The colors, pains and pleasures of it are brought out very effectively by the author throughout the story. There are happy moments, testing situations, angry show downs, and terrible setbacks. What one has to do when you know that ‘the one you cannot have’?
Read Preeti Shenoy’s novel; probably, it will tell you how to move on. 


More by :  G Swaminathan

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