Random Thoughts

Hindu Nation

If all the opinion polls are to be beleived, one thing is certain, that of the resurgence of the BJP. This is inspite of all the bad mouthing, mud-slinging of its PM candidate by the secularists.
There has been a paradigm shift in their tone - from 'Modi can never become PM' to 'India will suffer if Modi becomes PM'. It should be noted that even before BJP started its campaign, a small percentage of people have shifted towards BJP taking into account the sufferings from cross border terrorism under the Congress Govt. But a major chunk of Indians came into the BJP fold only when it started delivering its promises on development.

BJP has a lesson to learn from this - Hindutva does not help fetch votes, but at the same time it does not repel votes also if it is given along with development. So the best bet for creating a Hindu Nation is to keep delivering on the development front and at the same time inject Hinduness and Hindu values in day to day life. This way, India will be declared a Hindu Nation soon. India as a Hindu Nation will be a land of true secularism and will propel to great heights.


More by :  Srinivasan MK

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Views: 3526      Comments: 2

Comment Thanks for the comments Buddha....I have written some other articles which is related to Hindu culture and threats to it..you can search in the More By link below the article.Hope you read them and give your comments on them too...Such gesture rekindles desire to write more..thanks again...one thing in certain...No force on earth can stop India becoming a Hindu Rashtra!!!...Vande mataram

12-Apr-2014 10:59 AM

Comment Thanks for the well written article.We need more articles like this.
All the English language news papers are trying to scare people from voting BJP.
India today is ruled by minorities and the Hindus are suffering.
This is all because of vote bank politics.
Yes.BJP has to provide development and restore Indian culture for many more years of governing Hidusthan.

Buddha d.Rudra
11-Apr-2014 22:53 PM

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