
Masala Brinjal


8-10 small brinjals
3-4 onions
20 gms of ginger
2 tomatoes
1 tablespoon garam masala
1/2 tablespoon dhania (coriander) powder
10-12 dhania seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds (rai)
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
1 teaspoon chana daal
1 teaspoon urad daal
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/2 tablespoon red chilly powder
3-4 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste.


  • Wash and cut the Brinjals from the centre into two parts without taking out and cutting the tail. Keep them aside.
  • Chop onions, ginger and tomato separately.
  • Take a pan and heat up the oil in it then add mustard seeds, jeera and dhania seeds to it.
  • When mustard and jeera starts popping add chana daal and urad daal, after around one minute add onions and ginger.
  • Cook it till the onions starts to turn transparent.
  • Now add red chilly powder, turmeric and mix and then put chopped tomatoes.
  • Cook it for 4-5 minutes.
  • Put off the heat and let the masala cool for few minutes(1-2) and then grind it into paste with electric hand mixer or normal electric mixer.
  • After making paste again put this into the pan and on the medium heat and add garam masala, dhania powder, salt.
  • Now add brinjals to it and cover it and cook it till the brinjals are cooked.
  • Keep on moving it with spatula in between the cooking so that brinjal masala doesn't get burnt.
  • Serve it hot with chapaties, parathas or rice.

Note: Many variations can be made according to your taste like you can add green chillies to it instead of red chilly powder. It will be good if you add a pinch of hing. Do not add chana daal or urad daal to it if you don't like it. To make it more chat-pata you can add Amchur powder to it.


More by :  Manpreet Mehta

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