
Erectile Dysfunction and Your Heart


Do you know? Impotence (erectile dysfunction) may be an early sign of other ailments like heart diseases. 

At first we should under stand about E.D. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual disorder effecting men. This distressing condition can destroy a man's ego and threaten happy relationships. Erectile dysfunction is nothing but a condition, wherein a person has difficulty in getting and /or keeping an erection. 

It's not really a new thing that there is a relationship between vascular disease and erectile dysfunction, but recent studies are telling us that those suffering from impotence may be up to three times more likely to have a heart attack. Another study found, problems in the arteries of men with erectile dysfunction, which has implications not only for heart attacks, but also strokes. These findings make it more important than ever for men to see qualified doctors when they're experiencing problems with intercourse.

Historically, the biggest challenge in the fight against impotence hasn't been a lack of treatment options. It's been getting men to visit qualified doctors in the first place. Experts say that less than 40 percent of men living with impotence see the qualified doctors in this regard rest are destroying their married lives by not visiting to the qualified doctor for the treatment. 

A man may see some improvement simply by making some simple lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol intake, exercising more often, having healthy food or quitting smoking. These may sound a lot like 'heart-patient recommendations,' but it goes to show just how significant the link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease really is.

Reduced blood flow to the penis and nerve damages are two of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) can reduce blood flow throughout the body and lead to impotence. High levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes'another risk factor for heart disease'may damage small blood vessels and nerves throughout the body, which can impede blood flow or nerve signals necessary for erection.

In the majority of cases, erectile dysfunction can be successfully treated. We have effective treatments that can be tailored to a couple's lifestyle and needs. It is not an inconsequential 'problem' or one that will simply go away, so it shouldn't be brushed off'especially considering the other implications.

So the conclusion is that, the impotence is not related with your bed room or your married life only, it is related with your 'life' (The Heart) and if you face any type of lack in your erection or sex life it should be taken care seriously and should never be ignored.


More by :  Dr. Deepak Arora

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Views: 3613      Comments: 3

Comment sir i m 26 year old and im suffering from ED since last 7 months. i got married since last one year. i have no sugar problem. not hign B.P. i have been mastaburated since last 15 years regularly by overy laying on the bed. now i want to get rid of this terrible problem . i iave lost my all confidense. is there any way to beat the ED permanently. plese help me sir

suraj prakash
18-Dec-2015 00:44 AM

Comment Hi. I have been suffering with ED for over 8 years now and its making my life a misery. I was diagnosed with diabetes2 last year.Up until now I have tried everything that western medicine has to offer but nothing seems to help.It is obviously putting a strain on my marriage also. I want to be cured so desparetly that I would try anything. Sex has always been a very important part of my life and I miss it so much for my wifes sake as well as my own. Can you please suggest anything I can do or reccomend anything I can take to cure this terrible problem. Also I have noticed that when I cum, the amount of semen that I produce is a lot less than it used to be. Thanks Joe.

Joe Stenson
11-Dec-2011 13:01 PM

Comment I am non diabetic, non High BP petient , in year 2009 i have underwent angioplasty,I am a married person with 4 daughters, my wife is 55 years old, she is taking interest in sex but i am not because i am suffering from erection problem
please solve my problem
Is there is a medicine ... ayurvedic or alopathic ?

C T Sawant

Chandrakant Sawant
28-Nov-2011 09:39 AM