

Do you ever wonder why we are becoming more and more self-centered? We find difficulty accommodating people. This is also the reason for us not adjusting with our life partner. In other words we are getting more and more selfish. We think of us first and last.

Well man has tried to improve his living standards. Over a period, we have much better living conditions than our parents. However, everything does have its pluses and minuses. Earlier, man had fewer means; to be able to afford a bedroom for each child was a big thing. Now that we plan our families, we are able to give much more to our children. Most upper middle class families are able to provide a separate bedroom, a television, a telephone, and a car besides other things, to their kids. Even if it means extending beyond their revenues most people are able to provide these basics as we call them now. I remember when I was growing up being able to own a Television or a Refrigerator was beyond limits of many. 

We were big families and were expected to adjust and accommodate each other. No one seemed too close for comfort. It was always a big loving family, sharing the same one or two room apartment. Now kids have the tendency to lock themselves in their bedrooms as and when they want. They have no one to share their things with so they get used to not sharing at all. Resultantly we tend to get selfish, self-centered and loners. 

Besides this, most of the parents try hard not to expose their kids of the hardships that we went through. Our kids get used to easy life and some times it gets difficult to face the adverse situations. 

It is therefore, important that we help our kids to be prepared to face the world and the life. Even if we can afford, we should be able to say "No" sometimes just for them to able to accept it. Always let them share certain things even if they can have their own it's a good idea to have siblings share. We all love our kids and that is the reason we spoil them. Every parent wants to be able to give everything to the child even if it would mean to get the stars figuratively speaking; we all try and try very hard. We should not forget that making our kids spoilt brats is not true love. This very thing is cause for their sorrows in their future life. True love is, to think of our kids future and their happiness in every little thing we do to contribute. Some times, we need to pretend to be angry just for them to know right from wrong.

I do hope, this article would help the grown ups. Once we know what our true problem is we find it easier to cope.   


More by :  Meera Chowdhry

Top | Parenting

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