
My God, What Have You Done!

I often wondered if God in fact willingly planned His Work of Art that with all the probability has got out of His hands or has He really created our Suffering Existence for Him to enjoy at His leisure. God could be sitting in His Celestial Palace with Angles by His sides, sipping on His heady red wine. HE once visited the earth as a 'Burning Bush' on Mount Sinai, which today's scholars call 'His Flesh', and asked Moses to take his shoes off for he was standing on the holy ground. HE mediated the covenant with Moses, who was in fact supposedly the rightful owner to the throne of Egypt. Instead he chose to be a Shepherd and latter proclaimed a Prophet.

God told Moses of social and political reform of His people, the people of Israel. HE told Moses that HE had heard the prayers of His people in Egypt, and this was out of the entire World. HE said HE heard their cries and acknowledged their sorrows. HE told Moses that HE had come to deliver them from the bondage of 'The Pharaohs', one of the most important races in the history of Mankind and that existed in ancient Egypt. It was only then HE divided the Red Sea. Maybe HE felt shy to speak to His people first hand so HE chose Moses to be His messenger. Some may ponder that HE may have fooled Moses with the Ten Commandments that HE gave him on the burning mountain, or did Moses change the Carvings on the Stone during his descent to his people, he was gone for a while. Probably Moses was a better carver than a Shepherd; he may have not liked the content on the burnt rock. Maybe those carved words were not meant for Our World where pleasures and living are hard to earn. Maybe HE enjoys playing his favorite tune on his violin called 'Tearing Life from Limbs and Looking Sweeter'. 

In this modern day and age, we still look at each other for our Existence. On one hand we have Scientific Facts and on the other 'The Religion' and this is the most, vague, ambiguous, puzzled and illogical subject to discuss sitting in the large university auditorium among common populace of whom, more than half, are probably atheist or agnostics, who are in the state of mind which is not conducive to bold navigation. Religion takes a little hedge over the Scientific Facts in our Courts of Law. Mankind had taken the Facts from resourceful archeological Places, while the Scientist says, 'I am the Judge and no one judges me.' The ordinary layman lays his last copper on either science or religion, half due to fear and calls it a day.

In all probability, in the beginning Man created God in his image. Then Man gave different names to their Gods according to their religion, that HE may be the Lord over all the earth when it was suited to Mankind. Then Man rested over the Time and did lean heavily on his God when HE became an Enigma. Then 'God' that mankind had created ruled over the earth with his miracles. But then things came to pass, the Spirit that did cause Man to create his God in his image lived on within all Man and today man does not see it that way. 

I believe HIS creation (in the image of man) lacked one important aspect, despite his Ten Commandments, HE did not supply the beings with a proper Manual, 'How to repair and look after your Soul.' HE left the dilemma to the Mankind and until today Man is still in search of his Existence.  


More by :  Dhiraj Bhimji Raniga

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