
How to Deal with Analytical Physiologist Disorder

Does your perfectly normal reactions, to the erroneous actions of other negative people, have experts diagnosing you as having a newfangled disorder?

Have your children's high-spirits been classed as an attention disorder by so the called experts?

Have you read about emotional temperaments such as, over active enthusiasm and a physiologist tried to slap a mental disorder label on it ... Then they want to treat it with medications, that have dangerous side effects, that may induce suicide or homicide.

Watch out - You may be suffering from an analytical physiologists disorder. They are a very outspoken and intellectual sophisticated animal, who believes they know what they are doing. Alas, they are deluded by varying degrees.

So, if you encounter any dangerous physiological expert animals, recently escaped from a university, that want to stick a newly invented disorder label on you, then pull out a pen and paper and write out an -
Out of Order -label ... hand it to them with a big Smile! 


More by :  Michael Levy

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