
The Mystery of the Caverns

On 13th August 1878 the world famous "Luray Caverns" was discovered by three local men from Virginia named Benton Stebbins, Billy Campbell, and Andrew Campbell. Each year nearly a half-million people visit Luray Caverns, the largest known cave on the East Coast with millions of Stalactites and Stalacmites.

I visited the caverns with a few of my dear office colleagues. With an entrance of $14 we entered the cavern in the afternoon. An hour-long conducted tour transports visitors through a wonderland of vast chambers, some 10 stories high.

One of the largest chambers, the Cathedral, has been the setting for more than 300 weddings. We were amazed by the colorful natural cathedral with the world's only Stalacpipe Organ. Stalactites are tuned to concert pitch and accuracy and are struck by electronically controlled, rubber-tipped plungers to produce music of symphonic quality. In 1988, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Luray's Stalacpipe Organ as the world's largest natural musical instrument.

Memorable formations include the Fried Eggs, the enormous Double Column and Pluto's Ghost and the Bathing towel. Placid, crystal-clear pools such as Dream Lake reflect the thousands of stalactites above. A wishing well has produced more than a half-million dollars for charity. Outside the caverns is a well stocked gift shop, a restaurant and a a museum.


More by :  Subrata Mukherjee

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