Random Thoughts

College Days

I've been reading this Tamil magazine for ages and of late there is one section where they have articles by famous personalities about their college days. Invariably each person writes how they were good at that and good at this and how their college had all types of students.

It is starting to bore me as it is getting predictable every week. It would be more interesting if they chose people from different walks of life. Say for example if they chose any of my friends or me we would have loads of different stories to say.

I was not a great student. I was intelligent but not hardworking. The last time that I got first rank in class was when I was in first standard (I even got a double promotion then). But that was it. I've even failed many times. I was not good at sports or anything else. But yes, I have been on stage quite a few times and I should say that I had no stage fear whatsoever. 

I've participated in competitions and lost most of them. I've bunked class when I was in just 6th standard. I've been punished quite a few times for not doing the homework and not bringing the notebooks. My Mom always hated to come to any Parent-Teacher's meeting because she had to listen to complaints about me. I always sat in the front bench and managed to chat away to everyone else.

I was always a happy child. Even when I was 1st standard, I am told that I was made to sit close to the teacher facing the class because if I sat with the rest of the crowd I would talk with everyone and disturb them.

But beyond everything, I was still my teacher's pet. In fact each one of us were our teacher's pet. My teachers never treated me different because I did not work hard or because I was mischievous. 

In college life was different. Even there I did not work hard enough, I was not the topper and I did not do anything great. The only best part was me being a part of YHAI (Youth Hostels Association of India). I did loads of trekking but missed the big Himalayan trek. I was famous in college for all wrong reasons. But still I had my own favourite lecturers and they liked me too. 

I was not one of those "good girls". I had loads of friends, I have bunked classes, gone to a movie during class time, slept in class and have even made lecturers cry. We've had a record of ragging a girl and making her feel bad just because she dared to ask us questions. Not that we are bad but still we've done things for the fun of it. But yeah I've helped my juniors too. 

We've jumped over hostel gates, fought with the hostel cook, ragged the juniors and done what not. No! Surely our life was not as boring as those so called celebrities who were good in school and college, always got first rank, was always the teacher's pet and was always famous. We were very naughty, had great fun, were not always the first rank holders and even after all that today we not in a bad shape in life. I am earning enough to enjoy myself and I have no complaints what so ever in life. 

If I had to win a bet I wouldn't hesitate to study and score the top marks and I have done that too. I've been the best when I wanted and I've been the worst too! 

I know my life is not interesting but then at least it is not predictable as those articles that I read week after week.

I am not a celebrity but I don't want to be one either, not if I have to give up all those good things in life. According to me life as a celebrity is boring. Anybody out there to argue with me?  


More by :  Shyamala Sathiaseelan

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