
Rights of Infants - Clash of Rights

I don't like young parents to outsource the bringing up of their infants to servant maids.

The young couple feels that men and women are equal and should have equal rights and fights.

This man - woman equality thinking is outdated. These couples, the intellectuals, the rights' activists, NGOs and the like forget that infants too have human rights. If infants are given choice, they prefer to raised by their biological mothers.

The modern thinking stopped at man-woman equality. It should go further and include the rights of the infants too, in their thinking and deliberations.

The questions can be:

Why infants must be deprived of the loving upbringing by the biological mother.

Saying women or men only have rights and their infants don't have any is strictly biased. All these days Indian families didn't have this kind of problems. Now that nuclear families multiplied and women-folk can't spare their services for their own offspring is highly difficult to understand.

There is no society sans families. There is no family sans mother. Even though this thinking appears backward moving, it is advised to take care of the rights of the infants and kids.

All young couples, intellectuals, NGOs, rights'activists must have a rethinking about mother's necessity and her role in family and hence in keeping the society sane and peaceful and feel cared.

Yes, being a house-wife is neither remunerative nor provides "equal rights" to women. But women taking the career of being mothers for life and taking care of families as earlier provides anchor to the family and society.

Society is greater than individuals. Welfare of society is in the order of family living and mothers play an important role in this.

Though the wording that individuals must sacrifice their right to equality for the welfare of infants and offspring and hence society; may be annoying, disliking, unsuppored by many urban men and women, activists and modern thinkers, the expression of such a perspective is definitely in the radar of right for free speech is embedded in Indian Constitution.

The role of mother and her service to offspring and hence society is apparently made women mere handlers of kitchen and handled in bed room is highly narrow in thinking and naive.

Mother Theresa was awarded Nobel prize for service to humans. Service to fellow humans is the best of activities of a human being to take.

Yes, being mother is also non-remunerative and against the rights of women, the rights of infants are far superior as infants are also humans and have human rights.

When rights of individuals clash, the rights of losers and weaker must be looked into and protected.

And no remuneration can be given to mother for her selfless service to her offspring.

One has to talk for the rights of the infants. Who may not like this line of thought are advised to ignore this instead of wasting their time and energy in this rights-clash scenario.

I am for infants. I am for changing the perspective of many through my utterances, creations, writings and lectures.


More by :  Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam

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