Feb 12, 2025
Feb 12, 2025
Today everyone is familiar with the deadly impact of COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan city of China. It has travels very far in the world. Everywhere its panic and fear are perceptible. It has stopped the fast speed of the world. It is addressed as a biological weapon against the devastation of mankind. WHO has declared this ‘Novel COVID 19’ a pandemic to the whole world. It has emerged as an unimaginable tragedy for the human community in the 20th century. Thus whole world is in crisis together. Its denser infection has created extremely panic situation in the world. Day by day its challenge is getting frightening which results in almost worldwide locked down. We all are engaged in a campaign to save the human community from the horrible tragedy of Corona which is transmitted from infected human to human through their droplets/ discharge from nose. Corona has become an alternate name of death. India has accepted its challenge to contain its spread but its dense population has made this fight more and more tough.
This country of unity in diversity faces a stern difficulty to manage the people to stay at home. On one hand scenes on road of many states narrate the story of stubborn nature of mass and their negligence too. Behind this mass exodus of migrants there is only one thing that is the hope for life. Although they are not unfamiliar with its result and know they are throwing their life in peril that way in this fight against Corona. On other hand Nizamuddin Markaz congregation which contains around the two thousand people from many states of India and abroad in this lock down compels us to see and conjecture about the hidden conspiracy. Citizens question how such incident could have taken place in the capital of India without knowledge of Delhi administrators. How mass can be so careless and can play with the lives of others. No reason can justify such gathering.
Amid this horrible situation this is a great challenge how we can discharge our social responsibility is not for ourselves but our nation and society also. How strange this is we can meet this aforesaid responsibility by isolated ourselves from others. This self quarantine has become the new definition of being social. If we have concern to ourselves as well as to country, we have to understand the need of this global emergency. Accordingly have to be response. Presently our country is completely locked down for the complete 21 days with effects on 26 March 2020. Despite it we can observe the gathering of people on the road of many states. This happened, why? Answer is ‘fear to survive. Gathered mass seen is option less as they are without food, wages and shelter. In the fast speed of development we may not have noticed this group of people but it is fact India lies in villages and villagers have migrated to cities to earn their livelihood. They are still struggling for bread and butter. So question is if country is locked down why they are not stopped. Government and administration too are bound to treat with them sympathetically and mercilessly. Daily wages labours are on road. All these scenes should have been piece of government’s imagination prior to this decision of lock down. If it is said, Government was option less except to declare this lock in country and it was only solution of the problem to save human community, this cannot be right. Alarm bell of this consequence have rung much before. Since point of that time Government should have prepared its unfailing strategies to fight against this pandemic.
COVID- 19 cases are increasing rapidly despite country lock down. Needless to say it is due to negligence. This is a type of battle and we have to fight and win this by discharging our responsibility sincerely.
Number of case in India is around 2000 till today which shows infected cases are increasing. Citizens are conferring the financial help to the country which is part of this challenge which India has taken against COVID- 19. The number of hotspot too in India has increased. The Government is making cluster containment strategies and performing the rigorous contact tracing in these hotspots to prevent the virus from further outburst. Amid this lack of people’s support and any delay in the detection of cases will bring catastrophe. We are on that verge of that time where people are enemies to the country and society. Who are hiding in corona’s community transition and who shelters them is more guilty. Coming from abroad is not a crime but hiding and hiding from investigations and not supporting the government by violating rules and advisory issued in welfare of mankind is definitely a crime. Our country will fall on its knee in front of the corona and our economy will suffer much which is already in the cloud of concern.
Increasing the infected cases of corona virus indorses only one religion that is humanity. Incident of Nizamuddin Markaz congregation has ashamed us at the global platform and compels us to think a new way. In this global emergency such way of response of particular community to country is shameful. For country everyone with any caste and creed is equal. So, it is the moral duty of all to stick to rules with any claiming for privilege of any mass gathering in name of religion. Incident of Nizamuddin cited the above made us all perplexed about its consequences where Tablighi Jammat congregation has emerged as a covid19 hotspot. Maulana’s report on this congregation brings shame on them. How they can give religion colour to such disgusting act which is not less than a crime. When trouble is on the entire human community how any religion can be bigger than that.
Corona virus has no caste, creed and religion. It does not discriminate. So no one should play nasty games of politics and greed in name of religion. We cannot let any community to affect the lives of thousands and thousands people. We cannot risk their lives at any cost. Seeing the ferocious and devastating nature of corona virus any types of gathering even tiny should not be allowed. Any prarthana in temple, any ardaas in gurudwara, any namaaz in masque and any such gathering are not allowed. So, why violation? when it amplifies the fear of getting infected from the corona virus and brings us to life and death. God and nature make no difference among the people bestowing their blessings. So, why we should propose any excuse in name of religion and salvation? Nature and God along with Nature are both benevolent and malevolent for mankind and know no borderline of any territory.
Campaign # stay at home, stay save, stay alive is on its full swing around the country. People are extending their support staying at their home. People in panic who are seen on road too are struggling for their existence. Both people at home and on road can well realize that they are on the verge of life and death. Such hardship citizens are to face. In this venerable situation our belonging can be expressed only by social distancing. How this contradictory concept but we have to confirm this time. Physically we are at distance but emotionally we are connected. When question comes to save mankind everything is fair as everything is to serve humanity not humanity to everything. This horrible situation stands before us due to human exploitation of others for their pleasure. Whenever human reached such level of extreme exploitation, were punished. Now history repeats itself. We have to realize, this universe is dwelling place of all creature of God not of human being only. In the race of the development and happiness we don’t think about others. Knowingly and unknowingly we encroach in the domain of others. Now, it is time when we have to brood upon what we have achieved and what lost. Today, we and our race have stopped. Bye the way embracing challenge we can come out of this catastrophe. ‘How well one quarantines oneself, is the way to overcome this challenge. This way only can save mankind.
Challenge before every citizen of India is to prepare themselves for this unprecedented crisis. During this lock down everything is locked down except nature’s phenomenon. Among the creature of God on earth is human to whom everything is prey, now, is locked down inside. They are searching to the best and possible ways on their own way to utilize their time staying at home. Our self quarantine and self discipline can help us as well as Government to fight with Corona Virus. Yes, to support Government and administrations is only best and effective way of fighting this battle. Truly staying at home watching news updates and locking our contribution to self’s progress and country’s is really tough task but we have to do keeping in view the compensation of this crisis which many be decades’ back at global progress. In the present difficult period we can live satisfactorily with nuanced approach leading to hope for tomorrow. As everything is not finished, it is just matter of few months if lock down is extended. To overcome this battle we have to prepare this weapon of self discipline at any cost. We are to admire and thank God, Nature and Science. Amid this unprecedented situation God has not locked to shower His mercy upon us, nature has not locked her blessing to us and others who lives in. The sun has not locked his sun light, the Moon has not locked its routine of appearing in the sky to provide its coolness to us, wind not locked its blowing, birds not locked its chirping, our imagination not locked down, sense of belonging not locked down and science’s contribution not locked down, it is still serving us. This way hope is not locked down which is locked down that human’s liberty to roam on the roads. Instead of their liberty; animals’ is provided to. This is the Nature’s way of doing justice known as Nature’s correction. After this correction everything will be settled down. Despair, disappointment, gloomy, melancholy etc. are to be locked down. We have to realize we should not interfere in the domain of other creatures and have to stop ruin others lives for our personal comfort, need and greed. For this pandemic we human is responsible and we our self will give solution.
When we proceed with the optimistic note against this pandemic, it will open a door of opportunities too. During this crisis even entrepreneurs can fill up the blanks connecting the dots in their own and new way. Newer and better solution can be brought out in this vulnerable situation. Togetherness in attempt will help much winning the battle. Everyone should seek a chance asking one question to oneself ‘what can we do for our country?
We can meet this pervading challenge with a honest vow as we taken during fasting. Government alone cannot fight against this deadly this deadly impact of corona virus. People who are working on developing strategies and are helping in implementation for our safety are like gods and goddesses in disguise. We should honour them as they are fighting this war with huge risk to their lives. So deserve our appreciation. Our small mistake of stepping out with no precaution puts the lives of us, our family and our community at risk. Don’t forget present is keeping eyes on everyone and history will seek answer from us. So we have to appear in this examination with our complete preparation. Any kind of excuses will not be apt for some mistakes are not forgiven. In this hour of corona crisis humanism is on top and is only religion of all. So please embrace this challenge, support Government and endorse and follow its advisory- # BEND THE CURVE, # STAY AT HOME.
More by : Dr. Punam Pandey