Photo Essays

Durgiana Temple, Amritsar

March 27, 2012

By the time, we reached Durgiana Temple it had become pretty dark.  We had to hurry while taking the parikrama and also see some of the sculptures of the idols in the temple complex. 

The Durgiana Mandir is a Hindu temple situated in the city of Amritsar, Punjab, India. Its architecture is remarkably similar to the architectural style of the Sikh Golden Temple. The temple derives its name from the Goddess Durga.

Similar to the Golden Temple, the Durgiana Temple is also surrounded by a lake.

The temple site dates back to 16th century while the modern complex was rebuilt in 1921. There are different friezes over the several doors to the temple but due to darkness and paucity of time, could not be photographed by me.

Images (c) Rajender Krishan


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hema ravi
05-May-2022 17:42 PM

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