Random Thoughts

My Faith and its Failure

Caveat:  It is purely my personal view. I am not trying to influence, incriminate, or belittle anyone or their faiths. ‘Faith’ is something very personal and I sincerely believe that it doesn’t need any demonstration or approbation of others.  

I was brought up in a very financially testing and socially boycotted ambiance. Even today if I think of those days, I feel dreadful. My siblings are much older than me and they hardly could realize the fear or confusion of someone who is two decades younger than them. I learned only one thing from my mother who was also not very sane at that time because of the calamities that I should trust in God to save us. I believed and followed. 

Let me not go into that story now. I just wanted to give a preamble to the unconditional faith I had in religion and the Almighty. 

As I grew up I learned that being religious or god-fearing is a good quality and habit. I vouch for that even today. But what I fail to understand is when all religions profess only one advice that ‘one should be true to oneself and have faith in the supreme power.’ It is also said that all religions and faiths lead to the path of salvation. 

Then why do so much hatred, animosity, verbal abuses, and physical attacks keep happening in the name of some faith or other? Our political system in the form of democracy allows everyone to say anything they feel like. So, we see a lot of diatribes by people in different manners, thanks to the social media and press. To say the least, it is just uncouth.  

The great Tamil poet said, ‘Be kind to even your Foe’ (Pagaivanukkarulvai Nannejne). Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Lord Buddha, or Mahavir preached love for all but advised them to bring the other faith people also into their fold. I don’t feel even that is bad. For example, if I have been suffering from some ailment and couldn’t be cured by allopathic treatment, someone may suggest ayurvedic and I tend to follow that. That is human nature; we all want salvation from our miseries. Nevertheless, no Almighty of any faith provides salvation to every human being. Some are born to suffer and they have to go through hard times irrespective of their righteousness or bad qualities. 

Then why fight with each other in the name of faith? I lost my faith in all Almighties long back. If it is there this should not happen in the world more especially in India. 

I have faith in only one thing: Destiny or Luck. 


More by :  G Swaminathan

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