

As soon as I saw this picture, only one thing popped in my head, my mom (Amma as I call my mom in a local Indian language). Mom is the only word which requires both lips to touch while pronouncing it (I mean the words which pertain to your relations) and that is the first word we say after we were born, even though we don’t know what we are really saying.

If I look back into my life, which are the persons had most impact on my way of thinking and what I am, every body comes into my mind but Mom sticks out. She had input in every part of my life, right from kindergarten. By far she has the most impact on my life, her determination and composure are something that I can only hope to have myself one day. She used to wake up at four in the morning and cook lunch for my Dad and then make breakfast for six people including my uncles and grand parents, prepare me to go to school (including checking my home works and partly helping me while she was working on other stuff) and then she used to volunteer in some charitable organization some times during the day and sometime during the evenings. She used to know how to manage her self as well as others. I never realized what she is, until I moved abroad living by myself doing chores once a week with all the modern equipment which most of the middle class families lack, still it takes up all my weekend leaving some things left behind.

When I was a child I was very naughty and a water freak and she never let me down, allowed me to go hang out with children of fisherman (I am a vegetarian) and even let me go collect shells, but the fact was to collect sea shells by scuba diving the only gear we had was a pair of goggles. That was lots of fun.

Back in days my reward for performing good in school would be a trip to the beach, which was couple of miles away from where I live, where I can play with water all I want and then eat bhel puri at the end, all this activity was mostly accompanied by mom sometimes even my Dad. Trip with my Dad was not so exciting as he is very scared of water and he never used to let me in.

In my view parents should be our priority, they are our living God, without them we are nothing, I always thank God and my parents for what I am. 


More by :  Bhaskar Kolluri

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