Nikhil Sharda

New Delhi,India

Nikhil Sharda was born in 2005 in New Delhi, India. Growing up, he was fascinated with computer, and this interest led to the earlier exposure to digital world since he was drawn to activities such as coding, editing, writing and much more. Along with these talents, he's been a state finalist competitive at Scratch (visual programming language) at the age of 10. His love toward the computer and the digital gadgets and software is insane. Nikhil considers his faith and family to be most important to him. He is currently an Indian student, pursuing his high school along with writing books. In Walking into the Mystery, it narrates the fictional tale of a boy who had gone on a journey to solve a mystery behind his dad's sudden disappearance but later on discovered a lot of unbelievable things and one of those includes a magical world.

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