
The Smear Campaign

I will start with an extract from Wikipedia -

"In 2001, during an income tax raid on a liqour manufacturer in Bhopal, income tax authorities seized a diary maintained by the distillery's owners. They found the names of several officials and politicians of the state and their bribe money written against their names in the diary which reportedly also listed Digvijay Singh's name with a payment of 100 million rupees against it. Digvijay Singh was the chief minister at the time.[2] Digvijay Singh said that this was a conspiracy by BJP and NDA to destabilize his government"

"In 2004, the Madhya Pradesh Lok Ayukta registered an FIR in connection with a land scam in Indore under the Prevention of Corruption Act to probe allegations of criminal conspiracy and corruption against Digvijay Singh, and four others"

"In February 2009, a case of cheating and corruption was filed against Digvijay Singh and former minister Chaudhary Rakesh Singh and twelve others by the state Economic Offensive Wing under various sections of the IPC and Prevention of Corruption Act in the Indore's Treasure Island Mall"

No wonder Digvijay Singh and his big mouth are everywhere. He stands to lose a lot personally too.

Hereinafter I add some more to what has been stated above to let the readers know the mind of this 'big mouth' Digvijay -

"Defying anti-incumbency predictions, the Congress got another term in 1998 under his leadership. But for the next term there was wide spread corruption in his regime. Development was totally neglected and condition of basic infrastructure in Madhya Pradesh like roads, electricity, sanitation was among the poorest in India. He was so overconfident before next elections that he publicly stated "DEVELOPMENT DOESN'T WIN ELECTIONS. The party had to pay the price for his megalomaniac and overconfident antics and in December 2003 the Congress was reduced to a strength of 37 members in a house of 230.Such was the height of his brash attitude !

But as the saying goes " Fools step in where Angels fear to tread ". The Congress has a big one amongst its sycophants.

Continuing further I wish to point out to Digvijay Singh the lesson from Sage Valmiki's life.

"The Uttara Khanda, tells the story of Valmiki's early life, a highway robber named Valya Koli, born as a Dalit who used to rob people after killing them. Once, the robber tried to rob the divine sage Narada for the benefit of his family. Narada asked him if his family would share the sin he was incurring due to the robbery. The robber replied positively, but Narada told him to confirm this with his family. The robber asked his family, but none agreed to bear the burden of sin. Dejected, the robber finally understood the truth of life and asked for Narada's forgiveness"

Even assuming for a moment that Mr. Shanti Bhushan is privy to ill gotton wealth / land etc., the fact that today he has stepped to take the blessings of Mr. Anna Hazare is his step towards seeking forgiveness!

And on the other side we have the likes of Digvijay Singh who neither have nor show any remorse. 

Indian culture and civilization has always sided with the one who has shown repentance for his misdeeds. Mr. Digvijay Singh and his tribe have still to learn this one truth.

There is still time Mr. Digvijay Singh to redeem your reputation. If you cannot do good, don't try and malign others who have stepped out to do so.  



More by :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comment People like Digvijay Singh and Amar Singh should not count for much. What they are throwing are nothing more than red herrings and we should recognise them as such. Notwithstanding our individual backgrounds we should all join in this just campaign and redeem our past. This is a golden opportunity for each one of us and our country to start moving on the honest path. I wonder how many of us could stand up and state with conviction that they have never done a corrupt act, so let us stop pointing fingers at each other and start moving in the right direction. I would request all right minded people to ignore the antics of these politicians and not deviate from the path of truth. The going will be very tough, specially for those in the forefront, their success is our success and each one of us is a stake holder, this is not the time to weaken. These smear campaigns deserve to be thrown in the trash can, so let us not accord them any great importance, these are the hurdles all of us have to face.

Col Ravindra Dixit (Retd)
22-Apr-2011 04:31 AM

Comment Very thorough, factual and objective.

Now compare what you listed about Digvijay Singh and what Mrs. Sonia Gandhi wrote to Anna Hazare claiming that she does not believe or participate in smear campaign. Now, how many of us are naive enough to believe that Sonia Ji is unaware of who Digvijay Singh is? How he ended up where he is? What Digvijay Singh is saying in the public? And furthermore she has no control over him.

This is how the smear game is played. Own a few barking “entities”. Get them going. Keep the rein purposely loose while shouting out restraining orders.

She follows the classic political technique to perfection.

21-Apr-2011 09:09 AM

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