
The Smear Campaign -2

Continued from Previous Page

Having gone through the readers comments on various portals, one cannot but marvel at the temerity of Digvijay Singh. 

The Congress high command has been taken totally by surprise at the upheaval; rather the complete political class has been jolted out of its complacency born out of arrogance.

The BJP chief Gadkari is tongue tied; BSP's Mayawati appears to have had gone into a shell; The Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh is shell shocked and is probably waiting for the others to take a lead before he reacts; The CPI, CPM are in hibernation; DMK's karunanidhi has had siezures while Jayalalita and scores of political minions are either siezed with cramps or are simply bewildered.

The one fool that stands out on the political horizon is Digvijay Singh! While Manish Tiwari, Kapil Sibal and Manu Singhvi have shown some discretion after seeing the writing on the wall, Digvijay continues with his senseless diatribes. 

But his semi U-turn of late appears to have been driven by some sane advice from Sonia or Manmohan Singh. 

The Congress now appears to be coming out of the initial jolt with the realisation that it makes more political sense to swim with the popular tide rather than against it.

I could be wrong.
And this reminds me of a small annecdote -

 A sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of a good samaritan. She asked the class " If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?"

A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, " I think I'd throw up"

Digvijay Singh is doing precisely that !

What of Amar Singh, one may ask about his activism? 

Since Amar Singh has been in the political wilderness, having parted ways with Mulayam Singh and been ticked off by the Congress, he has nothing to lose by resorting to babble. He thinks, maybe Sonia would reward him for showing his allegience in this hour of crisis for the Congress.

After all, the Congress has had a long history or rewarding sychophants.

And Amar Singh is belly crawling...Dede Allah Ke Naam Par Dede !  


More by :  Ravinder Malhotra

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