
The Fight for Transparency and Accountability

Clearly the mass uprising against the arrest of Mr. Anna Hazare has taken the government and supporters of the party in power by surprise. 
But what comes as a pleasant surprise is the active participation of the youth, particularly the youth / student community in raising its voice against corruption and in favour of transparency and accountability. As our past Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Subramanium put it, Anna has touched a raw nerve that has helped galvanize and unite the nation.
Having said this, I feel that the party in power and the sycophant administration totally miscalculated the situation and the power of the people that Anna unleashed. Anna continues to checkmate each calculated move of the government leading to greater admiration in this country of this one man army. 
The government continues to be ill advised by people like Kapil Sibal, Ambica Soni etc who appear never to have been at the receiving end; hence the advice born out of arrogance. Mercifully, sane advice from some quarters within has prevailed - the likes of Manish Tiwari and Digvijay Singh have been asked not do what they do best, foul mouth!
We live in a world of perceptions. Anna Hazare is and is perceived to be a man impeccable credentials, fighting for a cause dear to the nation. Dr. Manmohan Singh too is a man of impeccable credentials, heading a government that patronizes the corrupt and corruption and hence despised. Mr. Hazare rightfully reminded the PM that he was nearing 80, has achieved the pinnacle - what stops him from taking a rightfull stand!
Dr. Manmohan Singh has projected himself to be a well bred sycophant of Sonia Gandhi and her son and appears to have lost his sense of balance. He has lowered his image in the eyes of civil society. What use education, distinction and eminence if grace is lacking. 
A simple statement from the PM assuring the nation of his determination to introducing transparency and accountabilty in governance would have raised his stock that now lies in a pigsty!
As Mr. Rajinder Puri rightfully points out - where is the need for a Lokpal; All that is needed is to make the Anti Corruption Wing of the CBI totally independent. But that would risk putting half of the party and so called parliamentarians behind bars !


More by :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Views: 3486      Comments: 2

Comment Agreed with the views of Mr. Malhotra, 100%.

However, What the PM and the minions of the Gandhi family are afraid of is not that Dr. Singh is intended to he targetted by the inclusion of the name of the PM in the review powers of the Lokpal. They are only protecting the PM in waiting, who (heavens forbid) may one day lay the claim for the post.

22-Aug-2011 19:18 PM

Comment Anna Hazare is leading the country by sheer strength of character. The nation is so enthused that there is no way that he can be opposed, I am surprised that the government is failing to see the writing on the wall, they still give lay justifications. All that they have to do is to join Anna. Yes there are certain points in the Jan Lokpal Bill that need to be amended, I hear the judiciary is being kept out of its purview, which is good, the prime minister too cannot be curtailed, his actions can surely be reviewed once he has left office but while in it, he has to be the leader and he must act fearlessly. I am fed up with corruption, and want the country to be relieved of this mill stone. I only know that each and everyone has had a taste of corrupt practices and is fed up of it. Anna has not come even a day too soon.

Col Ravindra Dixit (Retd)
19-Aug-2011 07:11 AM

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