
Global Awareness

Alarming shifts in climates across the globe are affecting the biodiversity of countries and continents like never before. Is there a plan to the threatening occurrences or are they sudden, random disasters, is the question?

In the realm of structured religion, history like an unerringly revealing window offers exceptional insights by way of evocative examples of happenings enmeshing wide-ranging idioms impacting the World’s economies, development and progress. The contours of progress may differ over parallel yugas, eras or epochs.

Keeping distilled nectar of knowledge at the centre of the losing tussle between the ecosystems vs. populations’ debate, we need to take a critical pause and honouring the top position occupied by human beings in the Food Chain and Evolution hierarchy, balance our moves rationally, whole-heartedly. Legends about God’s suffering at the hands of Evil- doers plunged humanity into despair, but it was not as if destiny coupled with the morally upright actions of the Gods did not resonate strongly with circumstances in the present. These are valuable lessons turning over a continuing hold into the future.

The serious question that baffles us today is ‘How can we, if at all, retrieve the 60% decline in population at the Tropics, since the last 40 years? But, do you know that Nature itself, jives with many, if not all the answers. The rustling of leaves, brilliant hues of raw corals, unknown methods in the working of the human body and the spectacle of biological mechanisms governing the quaint world of  insects , birds and flowers promises to unfurl an entire Universe of  information from which to infer or just reflect on.

Research around the world is on the job, looking for answers that would make life on earth more comfortable and meaningful.

The delightful overlap between Matter and consciousness continues. What is engaging is the understanding that after a certain threshold a definite penumbra of questions always remain unanswered- like why compounds, atoms, sub-atomic particles are different or behave in a particular way. This, in turn, leads to far-deepening intrigues enmeshing the physical world.

And from here originates the river of Acceptance, of undiminished Surrender. Let us not fear the  Unseen, Unknown , but instead work for the best as enlightened professionals, to undo in many ways what was not to be done by facing problems head-on and integrating the best of Spirituality and Science. History remains the guiding light spilling hope as also mapping Planet Earth’s journey from the Dark Ages to Ice Age, right through the Iron Age up to the present moment in Time.


More by :  Bhavna Mathur

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