
Light and Dark

Is darkness only the absence of light or does it have an obvious, imaginative meaning to its essence? Much like black and white, silence and sound, end and beginning, wet and dry, cold and hot, these opposites which are two phases of illumination closely script the story of the Solar System.
While knowledge comes to be associated with light, its absence is linked with darkness. But how many of us have realised that it is from the mines of darkness within us that we dig out diamonds of brightness, our internal stream of treasures that were waiting to be discovered.
Light gets its meaning from a consistent comparison with darkness. They work together and the human being does not even realise that the mechanisms governing the play between the two opposites, drive the engine of the Universe for the benefit of humanity.
The myth that darkness spurs evil and is bad should be done away with because darkness has its own secrets, uncertainties, qualities specific to its identity. Though Light begets love, colour, serenity and wisdom that darkness does not is an accepted line of thought for mankind, why should darkness be negated each time?
What Seers and great thinkers agree upon is the fact that just as pro-active, positive inclinations mark out the best way of fulfilling responsibilities and carrying out our duties, Light is only a more naturally acceptable form of vision over darkness overlaid with mysteries of its own. A matter of preference that varies from one species to another, what the body and mind get accustomed to.
‘Every moment of light and dark is a miracle’- Walt Whitman.

A miracle that is for us to uncover, understand. The world is running fast, faster than time sometimes. It is for such miracles to leave an imprint and transform the sorrow into joy, to the best it can.


More by :  Bhavna Mathur

Top | Spirituality

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18-Jan-2013 17:48 PM

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