
A Humble Person

A tribute to Pt. Anantanand Jha

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a little better whether by a healthy child, a garden path or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is fulfillment - Emersion

He was just a humble person. What is unique about him then?

  • He was not ambitious.  Achieving is pragmatic
  • But he had dreams.       Dreaming is idealistic.

He dreamt of leaving the world a little better place

  • He dreamt of redeeming social conditions.
  •  He dreamt of the next generation with much better humane face.
  •  He was not a leader, but he led exceptionally well.
  •  He dared to be lonely. One exists; the other lives
  •  He did have commitments for the community.
  •  He did not seem to mind bad luck. Adversities did not deter him.
  •  He faced crisis after crisis but he turned them into opportunities.
  •  He did not aspire to be either rich or famous. He was neither.
  •  He did not run after silver, success and status.
  •  He had a strong craving for dignity and fulfillment
  •  He gave more to the environment than he took from it.
  •  He believed in commanding respect, not in demanding.
  •  He seemed to profess,” First deserve then desire.”
  •  He loved younger and respected all. By LOVE he tried to build a better world.

He respected tradition.

Tradition is the accumulated experience of yesteryears. A tradition is kept alive by being subjected to continual scrutiny and renewal. There is all the difference between a tradition that is alive and one that is lifeless and backward looking.

He was modern.

Acceptance of new belief and practice is Modernity. Modernity is by no means a painless process. But society, as
a whole pays a higher price by turning its back on the changes emanating from the outside world in order to safeguard all its ingrained beliefs and practice.

He was deeply religious but he was not superstitious.

Religion is right belief, right feeling and right action. It is all the three. It is not intellectual conviction, emotional ecstasy or social service. It is all the three.

He was neither communal nor sectarian.

He respected the bliss of every individual.

Each person should discover his divinity, assess his unique talent and exercise it for the benefit of others.

  • He had Conscience with capital C.
  • He did not preach much, only practised.
  • He was an ascetic who did not desert people.
  • He could wait
  • He could opt to suffer.
          One has to opt to suffer, lest the show will be ruined
  • He could fast.
  • He dared to think.

He played exceedingly well. Though he was not successful - It was worth.


More by :  Ganganand Jha

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